cubieplayer / Cubian

Debian for Cubieboard
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Build firmware images for LiveSuit #452

Open KivApple opened 9 years ago

KivApple commented 9 years ago

Installation on NAND requires installation MicroSD card. It would be convenient to be able to put right in the NAND using LiveSuit, but it needed the images in a special format. Some Linux distributions for CubieBoard (for example, Lubuntu) are such images.

It is possible to prepare them for Cubian?

hargithub commented 9 years ago

I also would like to know if there is a way to put Cubian into NAND directly using Livesuit or Phoenix suit. or is there a way to build such image with our customization ? I tried BSP but it didn't work with cb2 because the package doesn't include tools for A20.

michalliu commented 9 years ago
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cubian-nandinstall
sudo cubian-nandinstall