cubieplayer / Cubian

Debian for Cubieboard
271 stars 49 forks source link

6 Months Since X1 Released. X2 ? #459

Open NAHANNIV opened 9 years ago

NAHANNIV commented 9 years ago

Will there be a new version ? X2 ?

Daniel-Medeiros commented 9 years ago

don't know what is wrong here this build is too old now are they waiting for debian 8 to release or what?

avizero commented 9 years ago

Debian 8.0 Jessie has been released!:

dels78 commented 9 years ago

I have tried to do a dist-upgrade but it is failing with udev error because the kernel is too old or doesn't support the pre-reqs.

Since release 198, udev requires support for the following features in the running kernel:

Please upgrade your kernel before or while upgrading udev.

Any chance we can get an update please?

edit: I was able to upgrade the kernel with one of Roman's and then was able to dist-upgrade

ghost commented 9 years ago

I'm trying to update X1 but udev is failing with the same error as dels78. This weekend I'm going to install Roman's kernel, but until that I will watch this thread for whether we are going to have a update or not.

Edit: I updated the kernel and did a dist-upgrade. Many things has stoped working. My rc.locals is not working anymore and many applications like synapitc and gparted does not even open anymore. Good thing I have a back up image.

swetoast commented 9 years ago

Here are plenty of dists for all sorts of Allwinner SoC i consider this project a dead one not anyone maintaining it anymore

NAHANNIV commented 9 years ago

igorpecovnik has server versions only.

The only actively supported workstation seems to be ARUNTU:

swetoast commented 9 years ago

good so now all the alternatives are covered and fyi a server basicly can be turned into a workstation since its all debian

dllud commented 8 years ago

+1 for a new build based on jessie.