cubieplayer / Cubian

Debian for Cubieboard
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Disable 'Cubian X' logo during startup #460

Open awsmdev opened 9 years ago

awsmdev commented 9 years ago

Hello everyone,

I'm preparing thin clients for my institution, based on Cubieboard (because performance is reasonable and price too). Almost everything is done, except one thing. I don't want to see 'Cubian X' logo during boot. Is there any easy method to restore default behaviour, like on the desktop Debian? It looks like all init output (such as mounted FS, started services etc.) is displayed on tty2, so maybe it's a quest of few commands.


michalliu commented 9 years ago

Hi, The LOGO is built into the kernel, you need to remove LOGO_CUBIAN_CLUT224=y CONFIG_LOGO=y from your kernel config. Or replace drivers/video/logo/logo_cubian_clut224.ppm to your custom LOGO

See for more details