cubieplayer / Cubian

Debian for Cubieboard
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board refused to start up with nand #469

Closed mlibre closed 1 year ago

mlibre commented 8 years ago

i install cubian A10 on sdcard. then run cubian-nandinstall. but board refused to start up. the problem is uEnv.txt root not setted to root=/dev/nandb. i manually boot with sdcard. mount /dev/nandb to /mnt. edit /mnt/boot/uEnv.txt. and set root to /dev/nandb. and then problem was fixed. and cubi board boot up with nand

michalliu commented 8 years ago

Yeah, It's a bug

michalliu commented 8 years ago

A10 user is few, I never discover this bug. Thanks for reporting

mlibre commented 8 years ago

your welcome. thanks.

necenzurat commented 7 years ago

@mlibre solutin worked for me, thanks.