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Setup a case on alg.cubing using target stickers instead of setup moves #161

Open abunickabhi opened 3 years ago

abunickabhi commented 3 years ago

For some cases (in BLD related cases, edges only), rather than inputting the setup moves to get the case, it is better to mention the sticker target rather than mentioning the algorithm. Is there a possibility to modify the software to include that?

e.g., the user mentions, UF-BD-UR-UB-FR as the cycle and we get the cube diagram, instead of the user inputting the setup face turn moves, i.e., U2 R' U S' U' M U M' U' S R U2.

This will be very useful for making BLD cases, as pasting the setup moves takes time and effort and pasting the target (UF-...) is easier instead.

lgarron commented 3 years ago

I'm definitely interested that for v2, which should be ready for such a feature in the next few months. I could use help finding a cycle notation that is intuitive enough for cubers and BLD pros, but is not possible to confuse with normal notation, e.g.:

It should also handle twisted cycles in a way that is flexible for other puzzles (which may have even more than 3 orientations per piece).

{UF -> BD -> UR -> UB -> FR -> FU}

It could be mixed with normal notation:

{UR -> UL -> UR} R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U' R U R' F' {URF -> UBR -> URF}

Except that one is not so great, for a few reasons. In particular, also note that it has no way to denote the twist of a piece with indistinguishable orientations, e.g. describing center rotations. Also, it would be nice to avoid giving braces a meaning specific to this, because it needs to be compatible with other potential extensions to basic notation.

abunickabhi commented 3 years ago

Oh cool, I have checked out v2 a bit (transparent 3x3 and other twisty puzzle support), but I am sticky with v1 to generate links for the my scramble set currently.

Thanks for the quick reply. I will definitely like to find a way of representing cycle notation that is intuitive enough for cubers and BLD pros.