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▶️ Multi-purpose puzzle viewer – the old generation of alg/reconstruction viewing and sharing. Superseded by Twizzle.
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Automatically download image after pasting the alg #162

Closed abunickabhi closed 3 years ago

abunickabhi commented 3 years ago

Till now, if I had to download an image from alg.cubing, I have to do right link, save image as..., and the the file name and local folder where it has to be kept in.

Since I need to do this process for thousands of images, it takes a lot of time.

Is there a way, the image gets downloaded as soon as I paste the algorithm on alg.cubing?

lgarron commented 3 years ago

I can write you a custom tool until has moved to Twizzle.

Do you need any particular features? Do you need to be able to specify the file names? Do you need to include any display options?

abunickabhi commented 3 years ago

I do not need any particular feature, the file naming can go like how it is named in batches, a0001, a0002 ,... The display option should be the cube image itself, with projection video, and only the DB, DL and BD sticker hidden, in the opaque video.

I will be making the introduction video for your series on twizzle YT explanation soon.

lgarron commented 3 years ago

For the record, I've written this for now:

abunickabhi commented 3 years ago

Thanks I have checked it along with the video, with code explanation that you made. It has helped me a lot in my saving time while getting images for algorithms.

Thanks Lucas!