cubing / cubing.js

🛠 A library for displaying and working with twisty puzzles. Also currently home to the code for Twizzle.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Video Export in Twizzle/Cubing.js #227

Open debater-coder opened 1 year ago

debater-coder commented 1 year ago


Export videos in cubing.js and/or Twizzle.

Specifically, one should be able to get a video of the current algorithm, much like how we have built in screenshot functionality today.

Possible solution

A solution to this problem, which I am currently implementing with feedback from @lgarron involves creating built in functionality to export videos. I am posting an issue here so that it can gain more visibility and so that we can gather feedback from the community. I am currently working on an experimental demo in the repository


Currently, people can use a screen recorder to make gifs or videos from algorithms in the Twizzle Editor. Often this is not convenient and is low quality.

A built in solution is better as it is more convenient and it allows you to gain far greater quality than what would be possible through screen recorder software.

debater-coder commented 1 year ago

@lgarron could you assign this issue to me?

lgarron commented 1 year ago

@lgarron could you assign this issue to me?

It's a deal! Thanks for working on this. 😀