cubing / mark3

Prototype for the scramble generation software designed to replace TNoodle for official WCA competitions.
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Deterministic seeds? #1

Open JupiLogy opened 2 weeks ago

JupiLogy commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, this is more of a question.

Wouldn't having deterministic seeds make it so that anyone can generate the scrambles for any comp? E.G. Suppose I'm going to the "UK champs 2025". What's the difference between me running mark3 with "UK champs 2025", "3x3", "round 1", etc. and the delegates doing the same thing? Doesn't this mean that I could see the scrambles before the competition?

lgarron commented 2 weeks ago

Indeed, this is the most important part of the whole system. In the current draft design everything is deterministically generated from the root seed of a competition, but the root seed itself is not. The properties I'm aiming for are: