cubiq / ComfyUI_IPAdapter_plus

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weird blue texture when using facewarp after make it to second processes #574

Closed abuyazid955 closed 1 month ago

abuyazid955 commented 1 month ago

after following your tutorial on youtube, changing the facewarp into second process, after passing "face bounding box" nodes, i encountered a problem like the image below

Using SD 1.5 (512x768) Using insightface


please let me know if you need any details, thank you!

cubiq commented 1 month ago

would need to see the whole workflow and the reference images

abuyazid955 commented 1 month ago

So i try to add 2x upscale (1024x1536) nodes after generating the images. it's slight reduced the blue texture, but it's still visible, but not as much as using 512x768. image

also i tried to change the faceanalysismodel to dlib, but there is no option for it. i've already installed it and put the models on the dlib folder.

here is my workflow workflow.json

reference images 9905c6bf384cdc1ed38da69f3232761d 82b108f2e53caeb136e5da0a24a07a18

Thank you for your response!

cubiq commented 1 month ago

works without issues using standard nodes. I guess it's an issue with the efficiency nodes


abuyazid955 commented 1 month ago

I've checked my workflow that you have fixed above, but i don't see the facewarp nodes. I think you missed the point here. the weird blue texture will appears after applying the facewarp then goes through the face bounding box. you can see the blue texture appears again in the output preview image from the face bounding box image

abuyazid955 commented 1 month ago

also, is there any way to fix the face analysis model, there is no option for dlib on it. I've already downloaded the dlib models and put it in the folder.

cubiq commented 1 month ago


I still can't replicate

cubiq commented 1 month ago

btw, this is an issue with face analysis not IPAdapter. post the most basic workflow without extensions that generates the issue on the face analysis repository if you want me to keep looking into this

abuyazid955 commented 1 month ago

Thank you for your response, I will proceed this issue to your face analysis repository.