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ASIC Flows for Evaluation #416

Open UnsignedByte opened 4 months ago

UnsignedByte commented 4 months ago

To show off the capabililties of XLS, we want to test it on ASIC instead of FPGA, and so we should try to get that working. For now, I've managed to install it in nix-shell in the devcontainer, but I spoke with Adrian and he mentioned it might be easier to install the docker-based version on the actual SSH machine provided it doesn't install a bunch of alternative stuff. This is more exploratory than the FFTs, so I'll hold off on it for now.

I'll try to write some scripts to synthesize some verilog and see if it works next.

rachitnigam commented 4 months ago

Cool! FWIW, the FoSSI people have a container with a bunch of these tools already installed. I think you can take a look at F4GA or OpenROAD and see where these containers are

UnsignedByte commented 4 months ago

Thats great, I'll take a look at that.