Open anshumanmohan opened 4 months ago
@KabirSamsi this is yours if you want it. It's the thing that @polybeandip, @sampsyo and I discussed briefly at the top of the meeting today. You mentioned wanting a piece of the math action, and I think this could be fun for you! While it indeed has not been important for @polybeandip's compilation proofs, well-formedness is an important property as I explain in the topmatter.
As you know, this stuff has proved tricky in the past. I encourage you to discuss this frequently, surface your progress often, and to ask lots of questions!
I like the writeup here!
One minor nitpick: the definition for $|p|_{i, f}$ wasn't skipped. It's at the bottom of Definition 1.1.
Other than this, I agree with everything else.
To help make this issue more concrete, I've added a bit of scaffolding to the notes with d200333: namely, the statement of the PIEO tree analogue of Lemma 3.9 from Formal Abstactions (without proof). In writing this down, I noticed a bug in Definition 1.6 (PIEO tree well-formedness) and patched it with this same commit. @anshumanmohan what do you think of this change?
@KabirSamsi feel free to branch off pieo-trees and add to pieo-trees/notes.tex if you'd like.
Aha thanks! And sorry about the slander haha
My work on this led me to re-consult the proof sketch for PIFO Tree Well-Formedness in Formal Abstractions. While it's left to the reader in the paper, I'm completing the proof in a new branch. Here's my work so far.
Two notable things:
1) The relationships between $push$, $pop$, $| \cdot | : \text{PIFOTree(t)} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ and $\text{PUSH, POP, } |\cdot| : \text{PIFO } \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ needed to be clearer in order to formally define (and by extension, prove) the preservation of well-formedness. I've added a few new definitions for how these function on PIFOs, and two new lemmas (with proofs) clarifying that $| \cdot |$ and $| \cdot |_i$ increment and decrement with pushes and pops, respectively.
2) Formal Abstractions suggest inducting over the topology of a tree. I feel that it's more intuitive to induct over the definitions of $push$ and $pop$. This is what I've done so far (albeit it would be great if someone could skim the logic once it's fully done, before I move to the meatier PIEO Tree proofs).
This leaves us in a good place though! The fact that $push$ functions the same for PIFO Trees and PIEO Trees (minus the few key differences) means that half of the proof for well-formedness translates over easily. The other half will require more work, but formally proving preservation of well-formedness for pops in PIFO Trees will help us there.
Cool! I'll add this to my stack. But just FYI, there is a version of the paper with a few of the proofs fleshed out. Just pointing you to it in case it is ever helpful!
Heads up: the arXiv version doesn't have full proofs, but the one @anshumanmohan sent on slack here does.
Even this one doesn't have full proofs from section 3.3 (well-formedness) though.
Eek, thanks for the catch! That's totally a snafu; the arXiv version's raison d'etre is to be an extended version haha. I will alert Tobias, who owns push rights to the arXiv version
I consulted the paper that Anshuman linked on Slack yesterday actually! The proof I'm working on for now, though, is for Section 3.3, which isn't covered there (proofs from 4 & 5 are covered). So hopefully this isn't a waste!
At any rate, I think that the new definitions that I'm working through will help us in the pursuit of proving well-formedness in PIEO Trees, as they are applicable for both. discussed PIEO trees, and #17 goes a long way towards formalizing these and fleshing out an OCaml implementation. This issue is to track a remaining piece of the formalism, which is well-formedness.
Formal Abstractions defines well-formedness in §3.3. Intuitively, we need well-formedness to ensure that a
operation on the tree will never "get stuck". That is, we'll pop the root, get some valuei
, and recursively pop thei
th child of the root until we hit a leaf; we'll always have something to pop as we walk our way down the tree.We need an analogue of well-formedness for PEIO trees. @polybeandip has an attempt in Definition 1.6 of his notes. It's a little brief (in particular it skips a definition of
which I think is meant to be read as "the number of instances of
, such that those instances ofi
) but basically I believe this attempt is solid. Note that the definitions is in two parts: first, well-formedness with regard to a givenf
, and then well-formedness in general using an existentialf
.We need to prove that well-formedness will be preserved in our PIEO trees when we
. Formal Abstractions does a quick little proof sketch of these properties for PIFO trees, but the property will be a little trickier for us in PIEO tree land because the property will depend on the possible choices off
. In fact I think doing this proof will illuminate the ways in which we'll need to restrictF
, the collection of permissible predicates.