cucapra / pollen

generating hardware accelerators for pangenomic graph queries
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Depth instructions don't work as written #114

Closed anshumanmohan closed 11 months ago

anshumanmohan commented 12 months ago

I suspect this is something minor, and I'd fix it myself, but I've gotten a little turned around by the way pollen-py is engineered (see also,

I get the following error when I run the one-liner test:

$ exine depth -a -r test/k.og
[fud] ERROR: `.futil' corresponds to multiple stages: ['futil', 'calyx']. Please provide an explicit stage using --to or --from.

And I get the same error when I try the more verbose option:

make fetch
make test/k.og
exine depth -o depth.futil
exine depth -d test/k.og -o
exine depth -r --accelerator depth.futil

I am using the latest copy of Calyx and I have configured it as instructed in our README.

sampsyo commented 11 months ago

Ah, this is an artifact of There used to be a stage called futil; it is now called calyx. Because of a somewhat odd way that fud works w/r/t setting up stages, you may have a futil stage lingering on your machine.

Take a look at fud config; there is probably a [stages.futil] section hanging around. You can edit the file indicated at the top of the fud config output and delete that section.

susan-garry commented 11 months ago

Yes, this looks like an issue with fud's configuration. You can remove stages.futil with fud config --remove stages.futil, and you may need to set stages.calyx.exec with fud config -c stages.calyx.exec <path-to-calyx>/.target/debug/calyx.

anshumanmohan commented 11 months ago

Thank you, will check and confirm! But just to be clear, this does not require any changes to the docs at all?

anshumanmohan commented 11 months ago

Whoops, this was in fact addressed by #120