cucapra / pollen

generating hardware accelerators for pangenomic graph queries
MIT License
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Calyx node depth general #8

Closed susan-garry closed 1 year ago

susan-garry commented 1 year ago

This pull request is for the complete implementation of node depth, including a parametrized hardware accelerator.

Command line interface


Key changes:


Turnt now automatically compares the complete node depth accelerator against odgi and our existing python node depth implementation. To minimize the testing time and maximize testing coverage, a fresh hardware accelerator is generated for each test file and its dimensions are automatically inferred. The calyx interpreter is used for testing since verilog takes a long time to compile.

To fully test the node depth implementation for a single node, I naively copied the testing folder into the prototype (scratch) folder. We will have to modify our testing setup to test both node depth and odgi layout, which would be an opportune time to modify the testing setup for the prototype folder as well.

I have not tested our algorithm on the chromosome 8 dataset because this dataset already takes several hours to run using the original odgi implementation. I believe the other graphs should provide sufficient test coverage, although it would probably be good to add more tests to test/subset-paths.