cucapra / undergrad-research

file issues here if you're interested in doing research with us!
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Neha Sunkara #100

Closed ns597 closed 1 year ago

ns597 commented 1 year ago

Personal Details

Name: Neha Sunkara

Major: Computer Science

Year in Cornell & Expected graduation date: 2nd year (expected to graduate in 2025)

Relevant classes: CS 2110, CS 3110, ECE 2300, ECE 3140 (currently taking)

Interested in continuing research during the summer? Yes

Expertise (languages/frameworks/etc.): Java, Python, OCaml, HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Swift, SQL


When do you want to do research? (Researchers can get involved during the semester as an "extracurricular", equivalent to a 3-4 credit class, or get more involved over the summer as a full-time job.) I'm interested in getting started on research during the Spring 2023 semester.

What is exciting to you about research? (How did you get interested in it? What are you hoping to get out it?) Because of my dream to improve people's lives using computer science, along with my interests in the combination of software and hardware, I decided to pursue research. I am hoping to gain an opportunity to apply the skills which I have learned in my classes while learning more about programming languages and computer architecture.

What kind of research do you want to do? (It's OK to say, "I don't know; I'm looking to explore!") I am completely sure, but I am excited to explore different areas. I am especially interested in building compliers after my experience in developing the JoCalf project in CS 3110.


Note: While these questions are optional for first & second year students, we highly encourage everyone to respond to them. Third & fourth year students are required to respond to all questions.

Was there a paper that particularly excited you? (This doesn't have to be a paper from our group.) I found the paper Controlling Polarization in Personalization: An Algorithmic Framework very exciting because it discusses something that I find very pertinent to daily life. We are surrounded by so many different algorithms and they can have such significant impacts on people. By reading this paper, I realized that there can be ways to decrease the polarization caused by many algorithms through computer science itself.

Which of the current research projects would you be interested in working on and why? I am interested in Braid because it combines my fascination of programming languages with my experience in Javascript. I especially like that it has an application to graphics because you can see the impact of your work physically. However, I am interested in anything.

Anything else you want to tell us about yourself?

Attach a CV/Resumé Neha Sunkara Resume Spring 2023.pdf

stale[bot] commented 1 year ago

It's been roughly 90 days since opening this issue. We apologize if we haven’t gotten back to you—research openings are somewhat sporadic, so sometimes we don’t have specific opportunities to offer. But more will certainly come in the future! If you're still interested in doing reasearch with us, please respond with "Still interested for <semester/summer>". Additionally, please update the issue by editing it and supplying us with more information, an updated resumé, etc. If you're no longer interested, do not respond to this thread and we will automatically close this issue.