cucapra / undergrad-research

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Steven Yu #131

Open stevenyuser opened 4 months ago

stevenyuser commented 4 months ago

Personal Details

Name: Steven Yu

Undergrad or MEng? Undergrad

Year in Cornell: Freshman

Relevant classes: CS 2110, CS 2800, CS 3110 (ongoing), ECE 2300 (ongoing), MATH 2940 (ongoing)

Expertise (languages/frameworks/etc.): Java, Python, Swift, Javascript, Typescript, HTML/CSS, OCaml (learning), Verilog (learning)


When do you want to do research?

Preferably over the summer.

What is exciting to you about research?

I've always loved problem-solving and learning new things, which draws me to research. In particular, I am interested in CAPRA because the research is on the intersection of software and hardware, which merges my interests in computer science and computer engineering. Although most of my experience is with software engineering, I have always been drawn to the inner workings of computers and computer hardware. This fascination led me to learn and read more about the field of computer architecture. I'd like to further explore my interests by researching computer architecture.

What kind of research do you want to do?

I'd like to do research on the field of computer architecture. I have an interest in heterogeneous computing, so hardware accelerators seem interesting! However, since I am new to this, I'm open to exploring!


Was there a paper that particularly excited you?

I found "Software-Defined Vector Processing on Manycore Fabrics" to be a particularly exciting paper. I thought the idea of allowing software to dictate when to transition between MIMD and SIMD execution models was pretty interesting. In addition, I thought the implementation was equally as interesting. For example, I thought the instruction forwarding network (inet) was a clever way to pass instructions along in an energy-efficient manner so that a manycore fabric could execute SIMD programmatically.

Which of the current research projects would you be interested in working on and why? I thought Filament was very interesting! As I am currently taking CS 3110 and ECE 2300, it was very nice to see the power of types being applied to an HDL to safely and correctly synthesize hardware!

Anything else you want to tell us about yourself? Although most of my background is in software engineering and app development, I am really passionate about exploring research and the more theoretical side of computer science. I feel like my experiences in app development have really taught me the skills of self-learning and problem-solving, which will be useful in academia or industry.

In addition, my personal website can be found here:

Attach a CV/Resumé: Steven_Yu.pdf

stale[bot] commented 1 month ago

It's been roughly 90 days since opening this issue. We apologize if we haven’t gotten back to you—research openings are somewhat sporadic, so sometimes we don’t have specific opportunities to offer. But more will certainly come in the future! If you're still interested in doing research with us, please respond with "Still interested for <semester/summer>". Additionally, please update the issue by editing it and supplying us with more information, an updated resumé, etc. If you're no longer interested, do not respond to this thread and we will automatically close this issue.

sampsyo commented 1 month ago

Let's keep this open in case something makes sense to do in the fall!

stale[bot] commented 1 month ago

Thanks for letting us know you're still interested! Tagging: @rachitnigam or @sampsyo