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Add signature for reg.exe called from command shell #474

Open car062636 opened 4 years ago

car062636 commented 4 years ago

I have added a new signature for Windows, this signature is based on which is an Analytic, it will be triggered when the built-in utility reg.exe is called from the command shell. According to CAR, I completed a signature code which can traverse the processtree by DFS to capture the reg.exe call from command shell event. 

I have verified this signature by the following method. First, I created a Windows application that adds a registry key by calling reg.exe from the cmd.exe and downloaded Sysmon to record its event log. Secondly, by checking the event log manually, I confirmed that my windows application can trigger the analytic CAR-2013-03-001. After getting the cuckoo report of this application, I found that the processtree in the report indicates this analytic should have been triggered during the execution of the application. I also tested my signature on the malware sample(MD5:b5d77d9e5a93848aaf59cd6115e54732)which contains the behavior of query the registry.   The cuckoo new recorded report shows that my signature can capture this event correctly. 擷取