cuckoosandbox / cuckoo

Cuckoo Sandbox is an automated dynamic malware analysis system
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Android Agent problem #1228

Open alizohrevand opened 7 years ago

alizohrevand commented 7 years ago

HI, i submitted my apk to cuckoo, but android emulator killed immediately, there is two error:

  1. Network interface not defined, network capture aborted
  2. We were unable to detect either the Old or New Agent in the Guest VM, are you sure you have set it up correctly? Please go through the documentation once more and otherwise inform the Cuckoo Developers of your issue.

the cuckoo log is : 2016-12-31 04:00:44,936 [lib.cuckoo.core.scheduler] INFO: Task #2: acquired machine android4.1.2 (label=android4.1.2) 2016-12-31 04:00:44,939 [modules.auxiliary.sniffer] ERROR: Network interface not defined, network capture aborted 2016-12-31 04:01:35,656 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] INFO: Starting analysis on guest (id=android4.1.2, ip= 2016-12-31 04:01:35,766 [lib.cuckoo.core.guest] CRITICAL: We were unable to detect either the Old or New Agent in the Guest VM, are you sure you have set it up correctly? Please go through the documentation once more and otherwise inform the Cuckoo Developers of your issue. 2016-12-31 04:01:35,780 [modules.machinery.avd] INFO: Stopping AVD listening on port 5554 2016-12-31 04:01:36,918 [modules.processing.behavior] WARNING: Analysis results folder does not exist at path '/home/android-admin/cuckoo/storage/analyses/2/logs'. 2016-12-31 04:01:37,101 [lib.cuckoo.common.objects] WARNING: Unable to import yara (please compile from sources) 2016-12-31 04:01:38,929 [lib.cuckoo.core.scheduler] INFO: Task #2: reports generation completed (path=/home/android-admin/cuckoo/storage/analyses/2) 2016-12-31 04:01:38,948 [lib.cuckoo.core.scheduler] INFO: Task #2: analysis procedure completed my avd.conf:

# Specify whether we're running the Android emulator in headless mode (no GUI)
# or with GUI - for an interactive session.
mode = GUI

# Path to the local installation of the android emulator.
emulator_path = /home/android-admin/Android/Sdk/tools/emulator

# Path to the local installation of the adb (android debug bridge) utility.
adb_path = /home/android-admin/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb

# Path where the emulator files are located.
avd_path = /home/android-admin/.android/avd

# Name of the reference machine that is used to duplicate.
reference_machine = android4.1

# Specify a comma-separated list of available machines to be used. For each
# specified ID you have to define a dedicated section containing the details
# on the respective machine. 
machines = android4.1.2

label = android4.1.2

# Specify the operating system platform used by current machine.
platform = android

# Specify the IP address of the current virtual machine. Make sure that the
# IP address is valid and that the host machine is able to reach it. If not,
# the analysis will fail. It's always because the android emulator
# runs on the loopback network interface.
ip =

# Specify the port for the emulator as your adb sees it.
emulator_port = 5554

# (Optional) Specify the IP of the Result Server, as your virtual machine sees it.
# The Result Server will always bind to the address and port specified in cuckoo.conf,
# however you could set up your virtual network to use NAT/PAT, so you can specify here 
# the IP address for the Result Server as your machine sees it. If you don't specify an
# address here, the machine will use the default value from cuckoo.conf.
# NOTE: if you set this option you have to set result server IP to in cuckoo.conf.
# Example:
resultserver_ip =

# (Optional) Specify the port for the Result Server, as your virtual machine sees it.
# The Result Server will always bind to the address and port specified in cuckoo.conf,
# however you could set up your virtual network to use NAT/PAT, so you can specify here
# the port for the Result Server as your machine sees it. If you don't specify a port
# here, the machine will use the default value from cuckoo.conf.
# Example:
resultserver_port = 2042

my cuckoo.conf is:

# Specify whether we're running the Android emulator in headless mode (no GUI)
# or with GUI - for an interactive session.
mode = GUI

# Path to the local installation of the android emulator.
emulator_path = /home/android-admin/Android/Sdk/tools/emulator

# Path to the local installation of the adb (android debug bridge) utility.
adb_path = /home/android-admin/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb

# Path where the emulator files are located.
avd_path = /home/android-admin/.android/avd

# Name of the reference machine that is used to duplicate.
reference_machine = android4.1

# Specify a comma-separated list of available machines to be used. For each
# specified ID you have to define a dedicated section containing the details
# on the respective machine. 
machines = android4.1.2

label = android4.1.2

# Specify the operating system platform used by current machine.
platform = android

# Specify the IP address of the current virtual machine. Make sure that the
# IP address is valid and that the host machine is able to reach it. If not,
# the analysis will fail. It's always because the android emulator
# runs on the loopback network interface.
ip =

# Specify the port for the emulator as your adb sees it.
emulator_port = 5554

# (Optional) Specify the IP of the Result Server, as your virtual machine sees it.
# The Result Server will always bind to the address and port specified in cuckoo.conf,
# however you could set up your virtual network to use NAT/PAT, so you can specify here 
# the IP address for the Result Server as your machine sees it. If you don't specify an
# address here, the machine will use the default value from cuckoo.conf.
# NOTE: if you set this option you have to set result server IP to in cuckoo.conf.
# Example:
resultserver_ip =

# (Optional) Specify the port for the Result Server, as your virtual machine sees it.
# The Result Server will always bind to the address and port specified in cuckoo.conf,
# however you could set up your virtual network to use NAT/PAT, so you can specify here
# the port for the Result Server as your machine sees it. If you don't specify a port
# here, the machine will use the default value from cuckoo.conf.
# Example:
resultserver_port = 2042
doomedraven commented 7 years ago

when posting code please use markdown code escape ```your code goes here ``` that will generate this your code

doomedraven commented 7 years ago

a bit better lets seewhat is wrong

the cuckoo log is :

2016-12-31 04:00:44,936 
[lib.cuckoo.core.scheduler] INFO: Task #2: acquired machine android4.1.2 (label=android4.1.2) 2016-12-31 04:00:44,939 
[modules.auxiliary.sniffer] ERROR: Network interface not defined, network capture aborted 2016-12-31 04:01:35,656 
[lib.cuckoo.core.guest] INFO: Starting analysis on guest (id=android4.1.2, ip= 2016-12-31 04:01:35,766 
[lib.cuckoo.core.guest] CRITICAL: We were unable to detect either the Old or New Agent in the Guest VM, are you sure you have set it up correctly? Please go through the documentation once more and otherwise inform the Cuckoo Developers of your issue. 2016-12-31 04:01:35,780 
[modules.machinery.avd] INFO: Stopping AVD listening on port 5554 2016-12-31 04:01:36,918 
[modules.processing.behavior] WARNING: Analysis results folder does not exist at path '/home/android-admin/cuckoo/storage/analyses/2/logs'. 2016-12-31 04:01:37,101 
[lib.cuckoo.common.objects] WARNING: Unable to import yara (please compile from sources) 2016-12-31 04:01:38,929 
[lib.cuckoo.core.scheduler] INFO: Task #2: reports generation completed (path=/home/android-admin/cuckoo/storage/analyses/2) 2016-12-31 04:01:38,948 
[lib.cuckoo.core.scheduler] INFO: Task #2: analysis procedure completed

my avd.conf is:

Specify whether we're running the Android emulator in headless mode (no GUI)

or with GUI - for an interactive session.

mode = GUI

Path to the local installation of the android emulator.

emulator_path = /home/android-admin/Android/Sdk/tools/emulator

Path to the local installation of the adb (android debug bridge) utility.

adb_path = /home/android-admin/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb

Path where the emulator files are located.

avd_path = /home/android-admin/.android/avd

Name of the reference machine that is used to duplicate.

reference_machine = android4.1

Specify a comma-separated list of available machines to be used. For each

specified ID you have to define a dedicated section containing the details

on the respective machine.

machines = android4.1.2

label = android4.1.2

Specify the operating system platform used by current machine.

platform = android

Specify the IP address of the current virtual machine. Make sure that the

IP address is valid and that the host machine is able to reach it. If not,

the analysis will fail. It's always because the android emulator

runs on the loopback network interface.

ip =

Specify the port for the emulator as your adb sees it.

emulator_port = 5554

(Optional) Specify the IP of the Result Server, as your virtual machine sees it.

The Result Server will always bind to the address and port specified in cuckoo.conf,

however you could set up your virtual network to use NAT/PAT, so you can specify here

the IP address for the Result Server as your machine sees it. If you don't specify an

address here, the machine will use the default value from cuckoo.conf.

NOTE: if you set this option you have to set result server IP to in cuckoo.conf.


resultserver_ip =

(Optional) Specify the port for the Result Server, as your virtual machine sees it.

The Result Server will always bind to the address and port specified in cuckoo.conf,

however you could set up your virtual network to use NAT/PAT, so you can specify here

the port for the Result Server as your machine sees it. If you don't specify a port

here, the machine will use the default value from cuckoo.conf.


resultserver_port = 2042`

my cuckoo.conf is:

Enable or disable startup version check. When enabled, Cuckoo will connect

to a remote location to verify whether the running version is the latest

one available.

version_check = on

If turned on, Cuckoo will delete the original file after its analysis

has been completed.

delete_original = off

If turned on, Cuckoo will delete the copy of the original file in the

local binaries repository after the analysis has finished. (On *nix this

will also invalidate the file called "binary" in each analysis directory,

as this is a symlink.)

delete_bin_copy = off

Specify the name of the machinery module to use, this module will

define the interaction between Cuckoo and your virtualization software

of choice.

machinery = avd

Enable creation of memory dump of the analysis machine before shutting

down. Even if turned off, this functionality can also be enabled at

submission. Currently available for: VirtualBox and libvirt modules (KVM).

memory_dump = off

When the timeout of an analysis is hit, the VM is just killed by default.

For some long-running setups it might be interesting to terminate the

monitored processes before killing the VM so that connections are closed.

terminate_processes = off

Enable automatically re-schedule of "broken" tasks each startup.

Each task found in status "processing" is re-queued for analysis.

reschedule = off

Enable processing of results within the main cuckoo process.

This is the default behavior but can be switched off for setups that

require high stability and process the results in a separate task.

process_results = on

Limit the amount of analysis jobs a Cuckoo process goes through.

This can be used together with a watchdog to mitigate risk of memory leaks.

max_analysis_count = 0

Limit the number of concurrently executing analysis machines.

This may be useful on systems with limited resources.

Set to 0 to disable any limits.

max_machines_count = 0

Limit the amount of VMs that are allowed to start in parallel. Generally

speaking starting the VMs is one of the more CPU intensive parts of the

actual analysis. This option tries to avoid maxing out the CPU completely.

max_vmstartup_count = 10

Minimum amount of free space (in MB) available before starting a new task.

This tries to avoid failing an analysis because the reports can't be written

due out-of-diskspace errors. Setting this value to 0 disables the check.

(Note: this feature is currently not supported under Windows.)

freespace = 64

Temporary directory containing the files uploaded through Cuckoo interfaces

( and Django web interface).

tmppath = /tmp

Path to the unix socket for running root commands.

rooter = /tmp/cuckoo-rooter


Default network routing mode; "none", "internet", or "vpn_name".

In none mode we don't do any special routing - the VM doesn't have any

network access (this has been the default actually for quite a while).

In internet mode by default all the VMs will be routed through the network

interface configured below (the "dirty line").

And in VPN mode by default the VMs will be routed through the VPN identified

by the given name of the VPN (as per vpn.conf).

Note that just like enabling VPN configuration setting this option to

anything other than "none" requires one to run utils/ as root next

to the Cuckoo instance (as it's required for setting up the routing).

route = none

Network interface that allows a VM to connect to the entire internet, the

"dirty line" so to say. Note that, just like with the VPNs, this will allow

malicious traffic through your network. So think twice before enabling it.

(For example, to route all VMs through eth0 by default: "internet = eth0").

internet = none

Routing table name/id for "dirty line" interface. If "dirty line" is

also default gateway in the system you can leave "main" value. Otherwise add

new routing table by adding " " line to /etc/iproute2/rt_tables

(e.g., "200 eth0"). ID and name must be unique across the system (refer to

/etc/iproute2/rt_tables for existing names and IDs).

rt_table = main

To route traffic through multiple network interfaces Cuckoo uses

Policy Routing with separate routing table for each output interface

(VPN or "dirty line"). If this option is enabled Cuckoo on start will try

to automatically initialise routing tables by copying routing entries from

main routing table to the new routing tables. Depending on your network/vpn

configuration this might not be sufficient. In such case you would need to

initialise routing tables manually. Note that enabling this option won't

affect main routing table.

auto_rt = yes


The Result Server is used to receive in real time the behavioral logs

produced by the analyzer.

Specify the IP address of the host. The analysis machines should be able

to contact the host through such address, so make sure it's valid.

NOTE: if you set resultserver IP to you have to set the option

resultserver_ip for all your virtual machines in machinery configuration.

ip =

Specify a port number to bind the result server on.

port = 2042

Force the port chosen above, don't try another one (we can select another

port dynamically if we can not bind this one, but that is not an option

in some setups)

force_port = no

Maximum size of uploaded files from VM (screenshots, dropped files, log)

The value is expressed in bytes, by default 10Mb.

upload_max_size = 10485760


Set the maximum size of analyses generated files to process. This is used

to avoid the processing of big files which may take a lot of processing

time. The value is expressed in bytes, by default 100Mb.

analysis_size_limit = 104857600

Enable or disable DNS lookups.

resolve_dns = on

Enable PCAP sorting, needed for the connection content view in the web interface.

sort_pcap = on


Specify the database connection string.

NOTE: If you are using a custom database (different from sqlite), you have to

use utf-8 encoding when issuing the SQL database creation statement.

Examples, see documentation for more:




If empty, default is a SQLite in db/cuckoo.db.

connection =

Database connection timeout in seconds.

If empty, default is set to 60 seconds.

timeout =


Set the default analysis timeout expressed in seconds. This value will be

used to define after how many seconds the analysis will terminate unless

otherwise specified at submission.

default = 120

Set the critical timeout expressed in (relative!) seconds. It will be added

to the default timeout above and after this timeout is hit

Cuckoo will consider the analysis failed and it will shutdown the machine

no matter what. When this happens the analysis results will most likely

be lost.

critical = 60

Maximum time to wait for virtual machine status change. For example when

shutting down a vm. Default is 60 seconds.

vm_state = 60`
alizohrevand commented 7 years ago

any help for my problem?

doomedraven commented 7 years ago

I just started on this, as i just finished create documentation for linux guest setup, to setup android analyzer which documentation you followed? Cuckoo-droid?

alizohrevand commented 7 years ago

no. original doc in here

alizohrevand commented 7 years ago

is there any new Doc for android analyzer setup?

doomedraven commented 7 years ago

the existent one

alizohrevand commented 7 years ago

i did not understand! in cuckoo sandbox official doc there is no link or reference to cuckoo droid. Cuckoo sandbox could not do android analyze alone? is that so what is the usage of avd.con ?? cuckoo droid use virtual box and Ubuntu guest vm for running android emulator.

doomedraven commented 7 years ago

is because you not used search on issues before posting

alizohrevand commented 7 years ago

there is no new information in that issue for me and i have read that before.i have read cuckoo droid . i do not want to use cuckoo droid. cuckoo droid use virtual box and Ubuntu guest vm for running android emulator. it requires a good hardware and will be so slow.... cuckoo sandbox could not support android analyze alone? i setup cuckoo sand box and my android emulator killed immediately, i have posted my log.

doomedraven commented 7 years ago

lol that dislike, you have all answers in that post, cuckoo-droid was integrated to cuckoo, but not the documentation part

liranfar commented 7 years ago

@alizohrevand which ubuntu version installed on the guest machines? I solved this problem when I installed the guest on Ubuntu 12.04 as recommended in the documentations.(The emulator crashing problem was on Ubuntu 16.04)

lovina37 commented 7 years ago


can u once tell me how to get cuckoodroid working everytime I get into new problem which ubuntu version which setup did u use?? android on linux or any other and did you do any firewall settings?? Also about the host only network how did u get it set up

liranfar commented 7 years ago

on Host: ubuntu 16.04 on Guest: ubuntu 12.04 android on linux machine ( using emulator ) I did not set up any firewall setting for host only network I disabled DHCP on guest - default gateway is the vboxnext0 address (usually