cuckoosandbox / cuckoo

Cuckoo Sandbox is an automated dynamic malware analysis system
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lock reboot analysis to the same VM #1461

Open likescam opened 7 years ago

likescam commented 7 years ago

Hi, I have 4 machines (WindowsXP, Windows7, Windows10, WinServer2008) on my lab, but on /cuckoo/conf/memory.conf I only can add one machine profile. I also read at that the problem was solved, but I dont understand how to do. Can you tell me clearly how to do? I use virtualbox on ubuntu.

doomedraven commented 7 years ago

modify files which i had modified there and you will have it working

likescam commented 7 years ago

Thank you @doomedraven , tell me what files will be modify? is only 3 files bellow? cuckoo/processing/ cuckoo/data-private/cwd/conf/esx.conf cuckoo/apps/

jbremer commented 7 years ago

I'm working on this functionality @denmilu, but will take a day or two more probably ;-)

doomedraven commented 7 years ago

only this 3 if you use esx

likescam commented 7 years ago

Thank you @jbremer & @doomedraven . Hope it will release on new cuckoo version.

@doomedraven : I use virtualbox, so i will replace 3 files bellow?

cuckoo/common/ cuckoo/data-private/cwd/conf/virtualbox.conf cuckoo/processing/

doomedraven commented 7 years ago

you don't need to replace, just add modification and done

doomedraven commented 7 years ago

@denmilu upgrade to v2.0.2 pip install -U cuckoo it now supported

jbremer commented 7 years ago

@denmilu We've put out a new release, version 2.0.2, which you may obtain through pip install -U cuckoo, including various improvements for the Volatility / issue posted above. Please check it out! From now on you can specify the profile for each VM by adding, e.g., osprofile = WinXPSP2x86, to each of your VMs. I'll leave this issue open for now - in case you require any additional support on this matter - but will be closing it in the coming days. Thanks for your feedback and if you have any additional feedback, do not hesitate to let us know or create a new issue!

likescam commented 7 years ago

@jbremer : Thanks you very much for your suport. I downloaded cuckoo at my /home/my-user/Desktop/cuckoo. I also want to keep my previous database, so how can I make update and make safe for database?

Another problem as I mention in an old issue is REboot analysis is working not properly in my system. Submit sample to windows7 but when perform reboot cuckoo open windows XP. I also submit sample (have some actions after reboot) for WindowsXP then perform reboot, but it seem dont have any behavior.

Another problem is about cuckoo monitor (32 & 64bits). How can I avoid virtual enviroment detector (CPU detector and harddisk and memory detector) such as pafish (

jbremer commented 7 years ago

As per the upgrade documentation, a database backup is made unless opted out by the user

I'll check if we can force reboot analysis to be done in the same VM as the original analysis. Most likely this is going to require some larger changes in Cuckoo, though, so this may take a little while as it's currently not one of our top priorities.

We're working on a kernel driver that will make Cuckoo more stealth, so either that or a hypervisor will do the job, but it's certainly going to take a bit more of our development time ;-)