cuckoosandbox / cuckoo

Cuckoo Sandbox is an automated dynamic malware analysis system
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error after analysis complete! #1607

Closed shorlak closed 7 years ago

shorlak commented 7 years ago

I have issue anytime analysis is completed. The error is related to the here is my output: `2017-05-23 17:52:48,532 [cuckoo.core.resultserver] DEBUG: File upload request for memory/592-1.dmp 2017-05-23 17:52:51,451 [cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: Windows-7-SP1-X64-01: analysis still processing 2017-05-23 17:52:53,008 [cuckoo.core.resultserver] DEBUG: Uploaded file length: 51292424 2017-05-23 17:52:57,086 [cuckoo.core.guest] DEBUG: Windows-7-SP1-X64-01: analysis still processing 2017-05-23 17:53:02,633 [cuckoo.core.guest] INFO: Windows-7-SP1-X64-01: analysis completed successfully Exception in thread Thread-4: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 551, in __bootstrap_inner File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cuckoo/core/", line 744, in run "status": "error", TypeError: exception() got an unexpected keyword argument 'extra'

` my system is old cuckoo that I didn't touch since 2014. so I install cuckoo from the top. here is the system info from other error i got earlier: Cuckoo version: 2.0.3 OS version: posix OS release: Ubuntu 12.04 precise Python version: 2.7.3 Python implementation: CPython Machine arch: x86_64 Modules: alembic:0.8.8 androguard:3.0 appdirs:1.4.3 apt-xapian-index:0.44 asn1crypto:0.22.0 beautifulsoup4:4.5.3 bottle:0.10.6 bzr:2.5.1 cffi:1.10.0 chardet:2.3.0 click:6.6 colorama:0.3.7 command-not-found:0.2.44 configobj:4.7.2 cryptography:1.8.1 cuckoo:2.0.3 distorm3:3 distribute:0.7.3 django-extensions:1.6.7 django:1.8.4 dnspython:1.9.4 dpkt:1.8.7 ecdsa:0.13 elasticsearch:5.3.0 enum34:1.1.6 flask-sqlalchemy:2.1 flask:0.10.1 functools32:3.2.3.post2 futures:3.1.1 gnupginterface:0.3.2 httplib2:0.7.2 httpreplay:0.2 idna:2.5 ipaddress:1.0.18 itsdangerous:0.24 jinja2:2.8 jsbeautifier:1.6.2 jsonschema:2.6.0 keyring:0.9.2 landscape-client:14.12 language-selector:0.1 launchpadlib:1.9.12 lazr.restfulclient:0.12.0 lazr.uri:1.0.3 libvirt-python:0.9.8 logbook:1.0.0 lxml:2.3.2 m2crypto:0.24.0 magic-file-extensions:0.2 mako:1.0.6 markupsafe:1.0 mastiff:0.5.0 minipdf:0.1 oauth:1.0.1 olefile:0.43 oletools:0.42 packaging:16.8 pam:0.4.2 paramiko: peepdf:0.3.4 pefile2:1.2.11 pefile:1.2.10.post139 pillow:3.2.0 pip:9.0.1 plumbum:1.6.0 psycopg2:2.7.1 py:1.4.33 pycparser:2.17 pycrypto:2.6.1 pycurl:7.19.0 pydeep:0.4 pymisp:2.4.54 pymongo:3.0.3 pynids:0.6.2 pyopenssl:17.0.0 pyparsing:2.2.0 pypcap:1.1.1 pyserial:2.5 pyshark: pysqlite:1.0.1 python-apt:0.8.3ubuntu7.3 python-dateutil:2.4.2 python-debian:0.1.21ubuntu1 python-editor:1.0.3 python-magic:0.4.12 pythonaes:1.0 requests:2.13.0 rpyc:3.3.0 scapy:2.3.2 setuptools:35.0.2 sflock:0.2.12 simplejson:3.5.0 six:1.10.0 sqlalchemy:1.0.8 ssdeep:2.0-0.1 tlslite-ng:0.6.0 trollius:1.0.4 twisted-core:11.1.0 ufw:0.31.1.post1 unattended-upgrades:0.1 urllib3:1.21.1 virtualenv: volatility:2.6 wadllib:1.3.0 wakeonlan:0.2.2 werkzeug:0.12.2 yapsy:1.10.323 yara-python:3.2.0 yara:1.7.7 zope.interface:3.6.1

shorlak commented 7 years ago

solved! Apparently that you can't write direct to /root/.cuckoo/ even if you root with tcpdump and the sniffer fail and the whole process not working well. (i'm not sure if it's because apparmor but my dmesg gave me an error about that so even when I tried to fix the apparmor rules it doesn't work.) solved when I changed the cwd of cuckoo to /root/cuckoo/.cuckoo/.

jbremer commented 7 years ago

Actually what I find more interesting is as to why you're getting that TypeError: exception() got an unexpected keyword argument 'extra' error, as the logging statement at that address should work just fine. Oh, Python 2.7.3 on Ubuntu 12.04.. interesting.