cuckoosandbox / cuckoo

Cuckoo Sandbox is an automated dynamic malware analysis system
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Cuckoo virtualize #1808

Open BNYBLN030 opened 6 years ago

BNYBLN030 commented 6 years ago

Hello can Cuckoo run as a host on Hyper V? We want to virtualize cuckoo

BNYBLN030 commented 6 years ago


jbremer commented 6 years ago

You mean Cuckoo in a VM on Hyper V? Perhaps. We don't feature official Hyper V support though, so you'll most likely have to investigate this yourself.

BNYBLN030 commented 6 years ago

Yes that i mean. It is also supportet use Cucko in a VM and install in the VM another VM for the Guest?

jbremer commented 6 years ago

There are environments where it is possible (e.g., ESXi / vSphere), but otherwise we certainly don't recommend it / is it possible in the first place.

jbremer commented 6 years ago

Eh, sorry, misread your question - thought you meant having two VMs next to each other, one with Cuckoo and one with the analysis VM. You can, in theory, use nested VMs, but Cuckoo users have ran into several problems with that in the past (e.g., NTP / time / performance / etc).

cuckoo-an commented 6 years ago

Latest Windows Server 2016 Releases should support the Nested Virtualization thing for HyperV.

razuz commented 6 years ago

nested works without a problem ... not the brightest idea on planet however for dev it's very convenient

cuckoo-an commented 6 years ago

depends strongly on the underlaying hardware, which must support all the features required for full hadware-based nested virtualiszation. if its done via software emulation the performance will be greatly reduced.

BNYBLN030 commented 6 years ago

Our company use Hyper V central, now I should virtualize cuckoo on Hyper V, the problem, if I install Hyper V on a host with virtualbox It allow to dock only 32 bit operating systems in the VM for the analysis. Or is there a possibility to create Hyper V a Vm for the analysis VM in parralel?

cuckoo-an commented 6 years ago

Use Hyper v and setup cuckoo as vm on it. and in this vm you can setup virtualbox for cuckoo guests. If you cannot create 64-bit systems in virtualbox then you won't have full hardware nested virtualisation support!

BNYBLN030 commented 6 years ago

okay, can i create on hyper v a host VM with cuckoo and another analysis VM so that both are dock on Hyper V also the host and the guest VM parallel?