cuckoosandbox / cuckoo

Cuckoo Sandbox is an automated dynamic malware analysis system
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No Internet Access in Guest using Host only Network or Guest and Host could'nt Communicate #2174

Open ayesha99 opened 6 years ago

ayesha99 commented 6 years ago

Thanks for creating an issue! But first: did you read our community guidelines?

My issue is: i am unable to have internet access in my VM.

I've checked all things. firewalls and updates are turned off in guest. host only adapter is used with static ip. all configuration files are attached and screen shots as well.

i want to ask one more thing if agent in this current release of cuckoo does not shows any thing, is that okay?

My Cuckoo version and operating system are:

Cuckoo Sandbox 2.0.5 Host : Ubuntu 17.10 Guest: windows 7 (64 bit) Virtual box 5.2.8

cuckoo agent running in guest showing nothing cuckko agent in vm

cuckoo analysis error report cuckoo analysis guest vm


network configuration in guest internet conf in vm cuckooo analysis log file Cuckoo Analyses Log

doomedraven commented 6 years ago

ayesha99 commented 6 years ago

it didn't solved my problem... :(

doomedraven commented 6 years ago

That looks like you hace problem with agent inside of the vm, test connection with it using

curl vmip:8000 and see my first link for explanation

ayesha99 commented 6 years ago

it gives me error

curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 8000: Connection refused

doomedraven commented 6 years ago

So that is your problem or your agent or your network settings failing, check both

aflick2486 commented 6 years ago

I am having the same issue as ayesha99 however when I test the connection by curling, I get:

{"message": "Cuckoo Agent!", "version": "0.8", "features": ["execpy", "pinning", "logs", "largefile", "unicodepath"]}

When I submit a file for analysis from the command line I get: Success: File "/usr/local/cuckoo/malicious.file" added as task with ID #3

Then in the cuckoo log I receive this:

2018-03-27 11:13:46,678 [cuckoo.core.scheduler] INFO: Starting analysis of FILE "malicious.file" (task #3, options "")
2018-03-27 11:13:46,740 [cuckoo.core.scheduler] INFO: Task #3: acquired machine cuckoo1 (label=Win7 Guest)
2018-03-27 11:13:46,934 [cuckoo.auxiliary.sniffer] INFO: Started sniffer with PID 7825 (interface=vboxnet0, host=
2018-03-27 11:13:50,988 [cuckoo.core.guest] INFO: Starting analysis on guest (id=cuckoo1, ip=
2018-03-27 11:13:56,019 [cuckoo.core.guest] INFO: Guest is running Cuckoo Agent 0.8 (id=cuckoo1, ip=
2018-03-27 11:16:56,709 [cuckoo.core.guest] INFO: cuckoo1: end of analysis reached!
2018-03-27 11:16:58,608 [cuckoo.processing.behavior] WARNING: Analysis results folder does not exist at path '/usr/local/cuckoo/.cuckoo/storage/analyses/3/logs'.
2018-03-27 11:16:58,649 [cuckoo.processing.debug] ERROR: Error processing task #3: it appears that the Virtual Machine hasn't been able to contact back to the Cuckoo Host. There could be a few reasons for this, please refer to our documentation on the matter:
2018-03-27 11:16:58,716 [cuckoo.core.scheduler] INFO: Task #3: reports generation completed
2018-03-27 11:16:58,730 [cuckoo.core.scheduler] INFO: Task #3: analysis procedure completed

Maybe important, when I look at the VM before starting the analysis, it shows as in a saved state (from snapshot) and then afterwards the machine shows as powered off. So maybe it is losing connection in the middle from getting powered off?

RicoVZ commented 6 years ago

Hi aflick2486,

Could you create a new issue for this, and include your full cuckoo.log (as a file), how you created your tasks (arguments, options etc), and the full config file of your used machinery module? (virtualbox.conf by default)

pietrogu commented 3 years ago

Verify if your VM IP is the same as configured in virtualbox.conf you can use VBoxManage guestproperty enumerate VM_NAME | grep IP | grep -o -w -P -e '\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}'