Closed Konjac0629 closed 4 years ago
I 'm already set up MongoDB and MySQL(SQLite also),but it still doesn't work
I run this command "cuckoo -d" and get:
2020-07-11 17:04:35,121 [cuckoo] CRITICAL: CuckooDependencyError: Missing MySQL database driver (install with
pip install mysql-pythonon Linux or
pip install mysqlclienton Windows)
But I can't use pip to install it
Re:I run web server successful,but cuckoo doesn't work
Oops! Cuckoo failed in an unhandled exception!
Sometimes bugs are already fixed in the development release, it is therefore recommended to retry with the latest development release available
If the error persists please open a new issue at
=== Exception details ===
Cuckoo version: 2.0.7
OS version: posix
OS release: Ubuntu 20.04 focal
Python version: 2.7.18rc1
Python implementation: CPython
Machine arch: x86_64
Modules: alembic:1.0.10 androguard:3.0.1 appdirs:1.4.4 argparse:1.2.1 attrs:19.3.0 beautifulsoup4:4.5.3 bottle:0.12.18 capstone:3.0.5rc2 cffi:1.14.0 chardet:2.3.0 click:6.6 colorama:0.3.7 configparser:4.0.2 contextlib2:0.6.0.post1 cryptography:2.9.2 cuckoo:2.0.7 distlib:0.3.0 distorm3:3.4.4 django-extensions:1.6.7 django:1.8.4 dpkt:1.8.7 ecdsa:0.15 egghatch:0.2.3 elasticsearch:5.3.0 enum34:1.1.10 et-xmlfile:1.0.1 filelock:3.0.12 flask-sqlalchemy:2.4.0 flask:0.12.2 functools32:3.2.3.post2 future:0.18.2 gevent:1.2.2 greenlet:0.4.16 httpreplay:0.2.6 idna:2.9 importlib-metadata:1.7.0 importlib-resources:2.0.1 install:1.3.0 ipaddress:1.0.23 itsdangerous:1.1.0 jdcal:1.4.1 jinja2:2.9.6 jsbeautifier:1.6.2 jsonschema:3.2.0 mako:1.1.3 markupsafe:1.1.1 mysql-python:1.2.5 olefile:0.43 oletools:0.51 openpyxl:2.6.4 pathlib2:2.3.5 peepdf:0.4.2 pefile2:1.2.11 pefile:2019.4.18 pillow:3.2.0 pip:20.1.1 pycparser:2.20 pycrypto:2.6.1 pydeep:0.4 pyelftools:0.24 pyguacamole:0.6 pymisp:2.4.106 pymongo:3.0.3 pyopenssl:19.1.0 pyrsistent:0.16.0 python-dateutil:2.4.2 python-editor:1.0.4 python-magic:0.4.12 python:2.7.18rc1 pythonaes:1.0 pytz:2020.1 requests:2.13.0 roach:0.1.2 scandir:1.10.0 scapy:2.3.2 setuptools:44.1.1 sflock:0.3.10 singledispatch: six:1.15.0 sqlalchemy:1.3.3 tlslite-ng:0.6.0 typing: ujson:2.0.3 unicorn:1.0.1 urllib3:1.25.9 vboxapi:1.0 virtualenv:20.0.25 volatility:2.6.1 wakeonlan:0.2.2 werkzeug:1.0.1 wheel:0.34.2 wsgiref:0.1.2 yara-python:3.6.3 yara:1.7.7 zipp:1.2.0
2020-07-11 19:11:39,921 [cuckoo] ERROR: AttributeError: Rules instance has no attribute 'save'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cuckoo/", line 297, in main
cuckoo_init(level, ctx)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cuckoo/", line 192, in cuckoo_init
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cuckoo/core/", line 358, in init_yara
File.yara_rules["dumpmem"].save(cwd("stuff", "dumpmem.yarac"))
AttributeError: Rules instance has no attribute 'save'
Thanks for creating an issue! But first: did you read our community guidelines? Yes
My issue is:
I can't run cuckoo web server,it says"Unable to create or connect to database: (sqlite3.OperationalError) unable to open database file"
My Cuckoo version and operating system are:
Cuckoo:2.07 System:Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Desktop
The log, error, files etc can be found at: