cuckoosandbox / cuckoo

Cuckoo Sandbox is an automated dynamic malware analysis system
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NameError: name 'httpreplay' is not defined #802

Closed omers closed 8 years ago

omers commented 8 years ago

Clean installation of Cuckoo sand box on top of CentOS 7.

When I start the Cuckoo service I get the following:

[root@dev cuckoo]# ./


.----..--.--..----.| |--..-----..-----. | || | || || < | || | |**||_|||||**|||||

Cuckoo Sandbox 2.0-dev Copyright (c) 2010-2015

Checking for updates... Outdated! Cuckoo Sandbox version 2.0-rc1 is available now. Oops! Cuckoo failed in an unhandled exception! Sometimes bugs are already fixed in the development release, it is therefore recommended to retry with the latest development release available If the error persists please open a new issue at

=== Exception details === Cuckoo version: 2.0-dev OS version: posix OS release: CentOS Linux 7.1.1503 Core Python version: 2.7.5 Machine arch: x86_64 Git version: b00588630298e9fd6172a29b5b15ba1076c186db Modules: alembic:0.8.0 backports.ssl-match-hostname: beautifulsoup4:4.4.1 cffi:1.2.1 chardet:2.3.0 configobj:4.7.2 cryptography:1.0 decorator:3.4.0 django:1.8.4 dpkt: ecdsa:0.13 elasticsearch:2.2.0 enum34:1.0.4 flask:0.10.1 httpreplay:0.1.10 idna:2.0 iniparse:0.4 ipaddress:1.0.14 itsdangerous:0.24 jinja2:2.8 jsbeautifier:1.5.10 kitchen:1.1.1 langtable:0.0.31 mako:1.0.1 markupsafe:0.23 micropython-pystone:3.4.2-1 ndg-httpsclient:0.4.0 oletools:0.42 pefile:1.2.10-139 pip:7.1.0 pyasn1:0.1.8 pycparser:2.14 pycurl:7.19.0 pygobject:3.8.2 pygpgme:0.3 pyliblzma:0.5.3 pymongo:3.0.3 pyopenssl:0.15.1 python-augeas:0.5.0 python-dateutil:2.4.2 python-dmidecode:3.10.13 python-editor:0.3 python-magic:0.4.6 pyudev:0.15 pyxattr:0.5.1 requests:2.7.0 setuptools:0.9.8 six:1.9.0 slip.dbus:0.4.0 slip:0.4.0 sqlalchemy:1.0.8 tlslite-ng:0.6.0a3 urlgrabber:3.10 urllib3:1.14 wakeonlan:0.2.2 werkzeug:0.10.4 yum-langpacks:0.4.2 yum-metadata-parser:1.1.4

Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 120, in test=args.test) File "./", line 68, in cuckoo_init init_modules() File "/usr/local/cuckoo/lib/cuckoo/core/", line 225, in init_modules import_package(modules.processing) File "/usr/local/cuckoo/lib/cuckoo/core/", line 69, in import_package import_plugin(name) File "/usr/local/cuckoo/lib/cuckoo/core/", line 59, in import_plugin module = import(name, globals(), locals(), ["dummy"], -1) File "/usr/local/cuckoo/modules/processing/", line 56, in _v = getattr(httpreplay, "version", None) NameError: name 'httpreplay' is not defined

omers commented 8 years ago

python-test package was missing.

yum install python-test -y

fixed the issue

jbremer commented 8 years ago

Regardless of your workaround this was still an actual issue, thanks!