cucumber / cucumber-expressions

Human friendly alternative to Regular Expressions
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Explicitly declare bigdecimal as a dependency #273

Closed pirj closed 5 months ago

pirj commented 5 months ago

🤔 What's changed?

bigdecimal is now declared as a dependency

⚡️ What's your motivation?

/home/runner/work/rspec-mocks/rspec-mocks/bundle/ruby/3.4.0+0/gems/cucumber-cucumber-expressions-17.0.1/lib/cucumber/cucumber_expressions/parameter_type_registry.rb:6:in `require': cannot load such file -- bigdecimal (LoadError)
    from /home/runner/work/rspec-mocks/rspec-mocks/bundle/ruby/3.4.0+0/gems/cucumber-cucumber-expressions-17.0.1/lib/cucumber/cucumber_expressions/parameter_type_registry.rb:6:in `<top (required)>'

⚠️ needs to be merged first? Or we should see a failure there in ruby-head.

🏷️ What kind of change is this?

♻️ Anything particular you want feedback on?

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luke-hill commented 5 months ago

Whilst I'm not explicitly against this, we could just guard against this for the 1 instance where it auto-generates a pre-built parameter type called bigdecimal.

Looking at the gem requirement it's quite big. I don't mind if this is something you think is a better practice, rspec is clearly a big gem. But I think just guarding vs this isn't a huge amount of work and only affects something 0.01% of people use in ruby

pirj commented 5 months ago

Hi @luke-hill

A bit of background to make sure we’re talking about the same things.

  1. cucumber-expressions have a require “bigdecimal” statement in the code
  2. The bigdecimal is not a default gem in Ruby 3.4, and gems that need BigDecimal should specify the gem in their runtime dependencies

It happens that RSpec is running their own spec suite against ruby-head (future Ruby 3.4). And RSpec has no runtime dependency on bigdecimal. But RSpec’s suite is using cucumber. And it fails when the bundler can’t find the bigdecimal gem.

Other projects that: 1) use cucumber 2) run their specs on ruby-head 3) don’t depend on bigdecimal would encounter the same issue. There are just not many of them i guess.

I’m uncertain if I understand the suggestion to add a guard against a pre-built parameter, as I have zero knowledge how this code works. I’ll gladly make a change if you guide me.

Should we just remove the require statement? This satisfies me as Cucumber user. Would it work for you as the maintainer? What would happen when such a parameter type is created?

luke-hill commented 5 months ago

So essentially the default argument is that pre ruby 3.3 it is, but now it isn't. So I'm mindful of this e.t.c. I'd prefer some ruby guard vs blanket.

We generate a couple of very small instances of bigdecimal references. So either guarding vs those or just removing those would be better. I'm happy to make change/s

If people want to make bigdecimal items, they would just need to ensure they have required it, so it's up to the user. The issue is we have about 10 or so default ones (One of which is this).

pirj commented 5 months ago

Up to you and no pressure - ruby-head is an optional CI check for us, just a sore in the eye.

luke-hill commented 5 months ago

I think what I'll likely do is do a bugfix / patch release for the quick fix which introduces this requirement and then maybe remove it properly in a major.

luke-hill commented 5 months ago

@pirj - If you add a changelog entry to this. I'll accept and merge this in and quickly release a bugfix release (To hopefully fix some issues your end).

We'll then remove the dependency in the next major

pirj commented 5 months ago


aslakhellesoy commented 5 months ago

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