coverage: 97.944% (-0.02%) from 97.961%
when pulling 5fdd358eff913ce13565ceb1472f9fb2466a2900 on feat/html-externalise
into 4c67f49687e8039967c217e129454362e4c536ca on main.
coverage: 97.944% (-0.02%) from 97.961%
when pulling 2db209bd6db52539ebe913318e81f94ca79054b5 on feat/html-externalise
into 4c67f49687e8039967c217e129454362e4c536ca on main.
coverage: 97.946% (-0.02%) from 97.961%
when pulling 9cfdb2b0d52a8ad39cb83e8ad14417fb11c12dc6 on feat/html-externalise
into 551efa2a6d39f79bbf5b7ec31988be7a6c9c6f92 on main.
🤔 What's changed?
function on the world for adding links to URLs as attachments⚡️ What's your motivation?
The cucumber-js version of both
(These are two different wins for users, but there was enough technical overlap that it made sense to just ship them as one PR.)
🏷️ What kind of change is this?
📋 Checklist:
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