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Maven rerunFailingTestsCount parameter does not overwrite files written by Cucumber #2880

Closed NicoIodice closed 2 months ago

NicoIodice commented 2 months ago

👓 What did you see?

When using the Maven property rerunFailingTestsCount (value set to 1), files written by Cucumber are not overwritten as stated here.

Our test runner classes have the following configuration:

@SuiteDisplayName("Clients Test Runner")
@ConfigurationParameter(key = GLUE_PROPERTY_NAME, value = "pt.cgd.corporateloans.e2e.automation.tests.steps")
@ConfigurationParameter(key = PLUGIN_PROPERTY_NAME, value = "json:target/cucumber-reports/Cucumber.json"
@ExcludeTags({"ignore", "skip", "deprecated"})
public class TestRunnerClients {

We use the ClueCumber plugin to generate HTML reports by compiling information from every Cucumber.json file generated by the test runners when running test scenarios from feature files existent in each module. This report can display the result of every run of the same test scenario when rerun was triggered.

✅ What did you expect to see?

We were expecting that the Cucumber.json file would be overwritten but we made some tests, incuding file permissions, and so on, and arrived to the conclusion that the file is never overwritten.

What happens is an empty file (with 0kb) is created before the @BeforeAll JUnit method and right after the @AfterAll Junit method finishes, all the data is flushed to the file. On the next runs, the file is not accessed anymore and we needed this to happen so we can copy both files to the folder that ClueCumber uses to generate the HTML report with the result of all runs for different test scenarios where the rerun was triggered.

📦 Which tool/library version are you using?

cluecumber-maven v3.6.0 maven-surefire-plugin v3.2.5 selenium-java v4.19.1 cucumber v7.16.1 cucumber-junit-platform-engine v.7.16.1 junit-platform-suite v.5.10.2 junit-jupiter v5.10.2

🔬 How could we reproduce it?


Step 1: Run, via command line, the maven test phase. Step 2: Validate that the Cucumber.json file is overwritten:

📚 Any additional context?

No response

mpkorstanje commented 2 months ago

At a glance this looks like it would be fixed by Could you try with JUnit 5.11.0-M1?

I would recommend using the junit-bom for dependency managment if you aren't using it already.

Alternatively you can use the file to configure the plugin.

NicoIodice commented 2 months ago

@mpkorstanje Thank you for your quick response!

Actually we are already using the junit-bom and the cucumber-bom for dependency management.

After a test with the latest JUnit version you pointed out the behavior is different, saving only data for the last rerun.

If we have a module with 5 tests and 2 fail, the next rerun triggers two tests to run. At the end we have a Cucumber.json file with only the 2 tests stored in the file and we loose the info for the other 3 tests.

mpkorstanje commented 2 months ago

That sounds like it works as it should.

NicoIodice commented 2 months ago

I think that was not the expected and even correct behavior.

I mean, was it supposed to loose the data from the first run? This way, we would have a report with 2 test scenarios ran instead of 5...

What is happening now is still not the behavior we expect and desire. Let me explain with a example use case:

Please let me know if it was clear and if is this the expected behavior. If that is, neither with a previous version, or an updated one from the indicated dependency we have the problem solved. Do we have an alternative?

mpkorstanje commented 2 months ago

The expected behavior is that any execution of Cucumber overwrites the results of any previous execution. This is on its own is fairly normal behavior.

And in essence, when rerunning failed tests, Surefire runs Cucumber multiple times. As Cucumber does not have any way of knowing that tests are being rerun, it can not behave differently. So the only system that knows, and can report on it correctly is Surefire.

So probably your best short term option would be to use the the JUnit Platform Launcher to programmatically run and rerun your tests. You can configure each execution with its own plugin configuration to avoid overwriting any results.

I would also welcome any attempt to check the viability of a rerun test engine implementation (

NicoIodice commented 2 months ago

Now I understand. Thank you for your clear feedback @mpkorstanje

We will try this approach on our TestRunners.