cucumber / godog

Cucumber for golang
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ReadMe add step `go get ...` see provided patch to fix it #609

Open surfmuggle opened 3 months ago

surfmuggle commented 3 months ago

πŸ‘“ What did you see?

For someone new to Go and godog the Readme could be improved by providing more hints / steps to do. See surfmuggle-patch-1 to fix it.

File go.sum

According to the README these files should be present image

As far as i can tell i did every step of the readme. But the file sum.go is missing in my folder.


To my understanding sum.go is not created yet, because no building command (like go build, go test) has been run yet.

Running go test

C:\dev\golang\src\TestHello\godogs>go test
# godogs
godogs_test.go:3:8: no required module provides package; to add it:
        go get
FAIL    godogs [setup failed]

βœ… What did you expect to see?

Add go get above the phrase Our module should now look like this:. See this godog-my-patch-1 to fix it.

πŸ“¦ Which tool/library version are you using?

πŸ”¬ How could we reproduce it?

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install '...' version '...'
  2. Create a file called '....'
  3. Run command '....'
  4. See error '....'

πŸ“š Any additional context?

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