cucumber / godog

Cucumber for golang
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failed to compile testmain package: #64

Closed RichardKnop closed 6 years ago

RichardKnop commented 7 years ago

I am getting a compilation error when running godog on example folder.

Go version:

$ go version
go version go1.7.4 darwin/amd64

I installed godog:

$ go get -u

Then I go into the godogs example directory:

$ cd $GOPATH
$ cd src/go/src/

And run godog:

$ godog
failed to compile testmain package:
RichardKnop commented 7 years ago

Sorry I was supposed to install godog like this:

go get -u
l3pp4rd commented 7 years ago

Hi, yes, you might have had outdated version, the compilation process was improved from 0.5.x versions, cheers

sadir commented 6 years ago

Hi @l3pp4rd, I'm seeing this issue attempting to install godog.

Go version:

$ go version
go version go1.8 darwin/amd64

Install godog:

$ go get

Try and run the example:

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ godog
failed to compile testmain package:


Any ideas?

l3pp4rd commented 6 years ago

Hi, try updating it.

go get -u

Then reinstall the command:

go install
sadir commented 6 years ago

Thanks @l3pp4rd but it didn't work.

$ go get -u
$ go install
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ godog
failed to compile testmain package:


Although it was my first install beforehand so I guess should have been up to date.

Not sure if this helps but go test is fine in the same directory:

$ go test
... 3

1 scenarios (1 passed)
3 steps (3 passed)

Randomized with seed: 1501488293945982168
testing: warning: no tests to run
ok   0.008s
l3pp4rd commented 6 years ago

hm, I do not have a mac to find the reason. But could you try to run godog like:

GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=darwin godog

Just in case it chooses wrong os. Or it may not have permissions to compile the dependent packages

sadir commented 6 years ago

OK still no luck, I tried:

$ GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=darwin godog
failed to compile testmain package:
$ sudo GOPATH=/Users/morgan/code/go /Users/morgan/code/go/bin/godog
failed to compile testmain package:
$ sudo GOPATH=/Users/morgan/code/go GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=darwin /Users/morgan/code/go/bin/godog
failed to compile testmain package:


Can you explain the logic that means we reach this error to me please in case it's something stupid I've done? Looks like it's in builder.go?

l3pp4rd commented 6 years ago

yes it is in builder.go. maybe you could try to figure out it in this func it somewhere fails and sadly there is no decent message

l3pp4rd commented 6 years ago

ah sorry, not that location, the error is from here:

l3pp4rd commented 6 years ago

guess there is something special with macos build command arguments

could you run go build -n in this godogs example and paste me the output, I may find what is different

sadir commented 6 years ago

Here you go!

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go build -n


mkdir -p $WORK/
mkdir -p $WORK/
cd /Users/morgan/code/go/src/
/Users/morgan/.asdf/installs/golang/1.8/go/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/compile -o $WORK/ -trimpath $WORK -p main -complete -buildid ee5a704374a35e93fe5542af30ddc38f23f84486 -D _/Users/morgan/code/go/src/ -I $WORK -pack ./godogs.go
cd .
/Users/morgan/.asdf/installs/golang/1.8/go/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/link -o $WORK/ -L $WORK -extld=clang -buildmode=exe -buildid=ee5a704374a35e93fe5542af30ddc38f23f84486 $WORK/
mv $WORK/ godogs
l3pp4rd commented 6 years ago

well, looks the same apart from this commented line but this should not impact it I think, you may try uncomment it. But most likely I will need to get a macbook to test it

sadir commented 6 years ago

Sorry that doesn't look to have fixed it either:

$ cat $GOPATH/src/
package godog

import (
        // compile godog testmain package archive
    // we do not depend on CGO so a lot of checks are not necessary
    testMainPkgOut := filepath.Join(testdir, "main.a")
    args := []string{
        "-o", testMainPkgOut,
        "-trimpath", workdir,
        "-p", "main",
    // if godog library is in vendor directory
    // link it with import map
$ go install
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ godog
failed to compile testmain package:

I don't mind doing a screenshare with you or something to help debug? I literally just started learning Go so I may not be much help but you can work through me.

sadir commented 6 years ago

I've had a friend install it on his mac and it works which suggests a difference between our setups is the problem. Let me check it out.

sadir commented 6 years ago

Alright update time.

The first thing I did was to update my go version from 1.8 to 1.8.3. This didn't fix it.

Next I upgraded from OSX Yosmite to Sierra. This didn't fix it.

In the end what I did was to add two lines into builder.go:

  163   // if godog library is in vendor directory
  164   // link it with import map
  165   if i := strings.LastIndex(godogPkg.ImportPath, "vendor/"); i != -1 {
  166     args = append(args, "-importmap", godogImportPath+"="+godogPkg.ImportPath)
  167   }
  168   for _, inc := range pkgDirs {
  169     args = append(args, "-I", inc)
  170   }
  171   args = append(args, "-pack", testmain)
+ 172   fmt.Printf("%+v\n", compiler)
+ 173   fmt.Printf("%+v\n", args)
  174   cmd = exec.Command(compiler, args...)
  175   cmd.Env = os.Environ()
  176   out, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
  177   if err != nil {
  178     return fmt.Errorf("failed to compile testmain package:\n%s", string(out))
  179   }

Which got me this output:

$ go install
$ godog
[-o /var/folders/ll/2bytty0j6h77396nt5htyc7w0000gn/T/go-build220721685/ -p main -complete -I /var/folders/ll/2bytty0j6h77396nt5htyc7w0000gn/T/go-build220721685 -I /var/folders/ll/2bytty0j6h77396nt5htyc7w0000gn/T/go-build220721685/ -I /Users/morgan/code/go/pkg/darwin_amd64 -pack /var/folders/ll/2bytty0j6h77396nt5htyc7w0000gn/T/go-build220721685/]
failed to compile testmain package:

I tried running the command myself:

$ /usr/local/go/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/compile -o /var/folders/ll/2bytty0j6h77396nt5htyc7w0000gn/T/go-build220721685/ -p main -complete -I /var/folders/ll/2bytty0j6h77396nt5htyc7w0000gn/T/go-build220721685 -I /var/folders/ll/2bytty0j6h77396nt5htyc7w0000gn/T/go-build220721685/ -I /Users/morgan/code/go/pkg/darwin_amd64 -pack /var/folders/ll/2bytty0j6h77396nt5htyc7w0000gn/T/go-build220721685/
-bash: /usr/local/go/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/compile: No such file or directory

But /usr/local/go/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/compile doesn't exist on my system.

The problem looks to be that I am using the asdf version manager which means go is installed here:

$ which go

However the asdf plugin hadn't recommended updating my $GOROOT, therefore I still had the default /usr/local/go/. Hence the variable compiler was /usr/local/go/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/compile.

I guess my only feedback here is that if the error message -bash: /usr/local/go/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/compile: No such file or directory had propagated up somehow I may have figured this out earlier?

Anyway thanks for taking the time to help me out - this was an interesting way to learn about how go works at least! I'll be opening an issue on asdf to ask for guidance on setting $GOROOT.

l3pp4rd commented 6 years ago

hm, but when you run go test it compiles a test package fine, that means go internally somehow detects and finds the compiler tool - godog should too, so this may be improved. Another point is the error, will need to check whether that can be more explicit. thanks for the details

sadir commented 6 years ago

Actually, you're right. Here is the result of go env before I added GOROOT to my environment variables.

$  go env
GOGCCFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fno-caret-diagnostics -Qunused-arguments -fmessage-length=0 -fno-common"

And here is an explanation of how that gets set.

It looks like this line calls the go/build function which picks up the 'incorrect' value from runtime.GOROOT. I don't know why that variable would be different from go env but I'll do some digging if I find the time.

sadir commented 6 years ago

Another update, I've stolen a small bit of code from here to test those go/build results.

package main

import (

var buildContext = build.Default

func main() {
    fmt.Println("GOROOT runtime: ", runtime.GOROOT())
    fmt.Println("GOROOT go/build: ", buildContext.GOROOT)

Here is what I get:

$ goroot_tester
GOROOT runtime:  /usr/local/go
GOROOT go/build:  /usr/local/go

As we expected based on the behaviour we have seen so far. I thought to have a look at brew just to understand what I have in there:

$ brew list
...lots of stuff...

Fair enough, I have two installs of go, so let's simplify things for debugging by removing the brew installed go.

$ brew uninstall go
Error: Refusing to uninstall /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.8.3
because it is required by glide, which is currently installed.
You can override this and force removal with:
  brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies go
$ brew uninstall glide
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/glide/0.12.3... (6 files, 10MB)
$ brew uninstall go
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.8.3... (7,035 files, 282.0MB)
$ goroot_tester
GOROOT runtime:  /Users/morgan/.asdf/installs/golang/1.8.3/go/
GOROOT go/build:  /Users/morgan/.asdf/installs/golang/1.8.3/go
$ godog

No scenarios
No steps

Wahey! That's better. However, I would like glide for dependency management, so I reinstalled it (which reinstalls go as a dependency) and then we are back to the old behaviour.

So even though the version of go in use is the version provided by asdf, and the fact that brew installs go to /usr/local/opt/golang/libexec/bin/go, the runtime.GOROOT and buildContext.GOROOT both end up as /usr/local/go despite that not existing on my system. I can only assume that the distribution of go provided by asdf was compiled with /usr/local/go as the GOROOT at the time?

Either way I am going to set my own GOROOT as that worked before.

l3pp4rd commented 6 years ago

Hi @sadir thanks for all the help, if you update your package that should work fine now and if it doesn't at least print a good error message ;)