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Pytest-BDD regular expressions matcher step definitions #203

Open The-BDD-Coach opened 3 weeks ago

The-BDD-Coach commented 3 weeks ago

👓 What did you see?

All of the steps show as defined except the step that uses Regular Expressions

✅ What did you expect to see?

All of the steps are recognized.

📦 Which tool/library version are you using?

Version: 1.88.1 Commit: e170252f762678dec6ca2cc69aba1570769a5d39 Date: 2024-04-10T17:43:08.196Z Electron: 28.2.8 ElectronBuildId: 27744544 Chromium: 120.0.6099.291 Node.js: 18.18.2 V8: OS: Darwin arm64 23.4.0

Cucumber for VSCode v1.10.0

🔬 How could we reproduce it?

Scenario: The catalog can be searched by author name.
    Given these books in the catalog
      | Author            | Title                      |
      | Stephen King      | The Shining                |
      | James Baldwin     | If Beale Street Could Talk |
    When a name search is performed for Stephen

with this step definition:

@when("a (?P<search_type>name|title) search is performed for (?P<search_term>.+)"))
def a_SEARCH_TYPE_is_performed_for_SEARCH_TERM(
    search_type: str,
    search_term: str,
    catalog: Catalog,
    search_results: list,

📚 Any additional context?

No response

kieran-ryan commented 3 weeks ago

Renamed to Pytest BDD to reflect wider scope