cucumber / language-service

Cucumber Language Service
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SpecFlow step definitions with parametrized cucumber expressions are not recognized #63

Closed gasparnagy closed 1 year ago

gasparnagy commented 2 years ago

I have simple step definitions, like:

[Then(@"there should be {int} pizzas listed")]
public void ThenThereShouldBePizzasListed(int expectedCount)


[Then(@"the home page main message should be: {string}")]
public void ThenTheHomePageMainMessageShouldBe(string expectedMessage)

but the related steps are displayed as undefined. The ones without parameter work...

Issafalcon commented 1 year ago

I think I can resolve this one @aslakhellesoy . When I added c-sharp support originally, I wasn't aware that it could support cucumber expressions syntax.

aslakhellesoy commented 1 year ago

The language service scans the file system for glue code and extracts regular expressions and cucumber expressions from source code (using tree-sitter). The extracted expressions are then used to build autocomplete, go to step definition and syntax highlighting.

The language service uses the JavaScript implementation of Cucumber Expressions to parse expressions, regardless of what programming language source code it was extracted from.

The Cucumber Expressions parser will throw an exception when it parses an expression that uses a parameter type that hasn't been defined. Because of this, the language service will first extract all parameter types from the source code, and then try to parse all the Cucumber Expressions.

I've discovered that this poses a challenge with SpecFlow source code because of the way parameter types are defined. Consider this Step Definition:

[When("the client specifies {DateTime} at {TimeSpan} as delivery time")]
public void WhenTheClientSpecifiesDateAtTimeAsDeliveryTime(DateTime deliveryDate, TimeSpan deliveryTime)

The Cucumber Expression uses two custom parameter types, {DateTime} and {TimeSpan}. These two parameter types must be defined in order for the expression to parse.

With Java syntax, the {DateTime} parameter type would be defined something like this:

@ParameterType(name = "DateTime", value = "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}")
public DateTime convertDateTime(String date) {
  return DateTime.parse(date)

The name of the parameter type is extracted from the name attribute of the @ParameterType annotation. The string value that is used to build the date is extracted with the parameter type's regexp (value in the case of Java). It's similar with Ruby:

  name:        'DateTime',
  regexp:      /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/,
  transformer: ->(s) { DateTime.parse(s) }

With SpecFlow however, it's different. The .NET implementation does not implement ParameterTypeRegistry or a mechanism to register parameter types. From

  • The ParameterTypeRegistry is not implemented here, only defines the IParameterTypeRegistry and IParameterType interfaces
  • The matching logic is not implemented in the expression implementation (cucumber, regex). Currently this logic sits in SpecFlow and it is not that easy (or makes sense) to move it out.

SpecFlow has a similar concept to parameter types - step argument transformations. Here is how they work:

public DateTime ConvertToday()
    return DateTime.Today;

public DateTime ConvertTomorrow()
    return DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);

[StepArgumentTransformation("(.*) days later")]
public DateTime ConvertDaysLater(int days)
    return DateTime.Today.AddDays(days);

At first glance, they look similar to the parameter type definitions in Java and Ruby shown above. There are some differences though:

First off, they don't have an explicit name, but they have a type (the return type of the method). They also have something similar to a parameter type's regexp - the expression in the [StepArgumentTransformation] attribute. In the example above these are "today", "tomorrow" and "(.*) days later".

With SpecFlow, it's the type (DateTime) that is used to define the parameter type name. Recall the Cucumber Expression above:

the client specifies {DateTime} at {TimeSpan} as delivery time

This would match the following Gherkin steps in SpecFlow:

When the client specifies tomorrow at noon as delivery time
When the client specifies 4 days later at 23:00 as delivery time
When the client specifies today at 9am as delivery time

In the JavaScript implementation of Cucumber Expressions (which is used in the language server), this becomes a challenge.

How do we define the {DateTime} parameter type so that a Cucumber Expression using that parameter type parses correctly?

This is what I have in mind to make this possible:

For the example above, this would become (in TypeScript):

const parameterType = new ParameterType(
  'DateTime', // The name
  [/tomorrow/, /today/, /(.*) days later/],

This way the language server would match Gherkin steps in the same way as SpecFlow.

I'd welcome your feedback on this @gasparnagy @SabotageAndi @Issafalcon

Issafalcon commented 1 year ago

This sounds like a perfectly sensible approach to me @aslakhellesoy . Not being as familiar as yourself with this codebase, it sounds like, from your description, that this will work across step definitions in all languages.

One thing to note is the StepArgumentTransformation will be a verbatim string literal when special regex characters are used (i.e. @"regex characters (.*)"). I'm not sure if that impacts the implementation.

gasparnagy commented 1 year ago

@aslakhellesoy Thx for the improvements. I have some notes/feedback.

Issafalcon commented 1 year ago

The comprehensiveness of @gasparnagy 's reply compared to mine does a good job of highlighting the difference of one who writes the software, and one who simply consumes it :joy:

I think I'll defer to @gasparnagy in this case!