cucumber / vscode

Official Visual Studio Code Extension for Cucumber
MIT License
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Visual Studio Code Web Extension #1

Open aslakhellesoy opened 2 years ago

aslakhellesoy commented 2 years ago

GitHub recently integrated Visual Studio Code in the browser. When you press . while viewing a file on GitHub, it opens VSCode.

Users can install additional web extensions, and it would be great to leverage the recent language server / vscode code to build this extension.

This would give GitHub users a first-class editing experience on the web at

aslakhellesoy commented 2 years ago

One way to achieve this is to move all the nodejs code (fs) to a separate @cucumber/language-server/node module. When/if the LSP file system spec gets implemented, we can refactor the code to use that API, and take an implementation as an initialization argument.

aslakhellesoy commented 2 years ago

Also relevant: virtual workspaces in VSCode.

aslakhellesoy commented 2 years ago

And also relevant: