cudeso / misp2sentinel

MISP to Sentinel integration
MIT License
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Add Azure Function and multi-tenant push support. #16

Closed lnfernux closed 1 year ago

lnfernux commented 1 year ago

TL;DR is I've taken this updated version of the misp2sentinel project and spliced with some code from to allow for multi-sentinel push. I've updated the documentation and added some best practice implementations like having some of the settings (mispkey, mispurl, timertrigger) be configurable from the Azure Function configuration tab.

It's mostly explained in the INSTALL.MD and in on my blog (, but to list out some of the changes:

This has been tested on MISP 2.4.171 running on an Azure VM with Ubuntu 20.04 (latest updates) installed. The Azure Function tested was a Python 3.9 Linux function running the consumption plan and no other settings other than default.

The full testing and setup can be found on my blog

lnfernux commented 1 year ago

Updated today: was an error with the existing indicator hash file which caused each tenant after the first to not recieve any indicators. This is now fixed with some minor updates. Might be a better solution to this, but for multi tenant this is what I came up with: