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`cue test` support #209

Open cueckoo opened 3 years ago

cueckoo commented 3 years ago

Originally opened by @rudolph9 in

Cuelang has reserved *_test.cue similar to golang but does not yet have support for actually running tests.

Unless there is a good reason to follow a different path it seems reasonable to model cuelang testing after golang testing

Ideally we would "eat our own dog food" for testing and not create new builtin function but rather express the logic of the test using cuelang.

An example of a testing package is

cueckoo commented 3 years ago

Original reply by @rudolph9 in

PLEASE NOTE: I am in the middle of reworking ipcf/t to align nicer with the way cuelang tests naturally get written. The current setup is a little cumbersome.

I briefly introduced list support for defining asserts but reverted it as I found that use of disjunctions made cue eval --ignore totally unreadable when looking for the test that caused the error. Not an issue with the list support, rather the formatter when an error occurs in a disjunction (maybe needs a ticket), but given the available tools it seemed best to just revert the pull.

I am also in the process of moving away from the rspec describe syntax. I've found it to be combersome and out of place in the context of cuelang. I'm working toward an an api similar to node-tap specifically the test and assert apis.

cueckoo commented 3 years ago

Original reply by @mpvl in

Here is my take. Background/disclosure, I'm the creator of subtests in Go, so I have some of my own biases. :) I think the testing framework can benefit from directly incorporating some of the best practices learned over the years from Go, which will also be quite different from frameworks found for other languages:

Some of this should be provided natively by the cue tool, other parts can be provided by a library.

In CUE we can step it up a notch using CUE

Anyway, let's start simple by specifying a data representation that is future proof.

I was thinking more along the line of allowing hierarchical tests where you assign a value to a $test field to trigger a certain test, such as:

testRegexp: {
    re :: =~"^([foo]|[bar])+$"

    [X=string]: { $test: re & X  }
    foo: _
    foobar: _
    baz: _

and have the testing framework automatically expand this by filling out the test results and running trim as follows:

testRegexp: {
    re :: =~"^([foo]|[bar])+$"

    [X=string]: { $test: re & X  }
    foo: $expect: "foo"
    foobar: $expect: "foobar"
    baz: $expect: _|_

or something like that. Note that this is a fairly primitive (Go style) and would allow other frameworks to be mapped on top. Not user whether you would need to import a testing package or not.

A fuzzer could even automatically populate the test cases, either statically or dynamically. For instance (rough sketch):

testFuzz: {
    [string]: { $test: value, $fuzz: { ... // params }  }

or something like

fuzzMyValue: {
    $test: value

could tell the test tool to automatically create instances of the enclosing template. This may be useful for testing roundtrips between converters for different APIs. Testing those then becomes a matter of testRoundtrip: { $test: v1tov1beta1 & v1beta1tov1, $fuzz: { set: v1tov1beta1 | v1beta1tov1 } } or something like that, The idea is that valid values of either API should result into nonconflicting values in the combination of the two.

I used the $foo style fields to avoid name clashes with other names in the hierarchy and to allow for extension later on. One could imagine using $msg for error messages as well as other primitives to allow for different styles. Opinions vary too much on that front to pick one. :)

Fuzzing may generate large tests sets and it may make sense to either not write them out (but reproduce them on the fly), or put them in a separate file or cue.mod depending on the type of fuzzer and use case.

Many open questions remain. One I don't have a clear picture of is how to represent tool tests, for instance.

cueckoo commented 3 years ago

Original reply by @mpvl in

I think a good first question is, what kind of things do people want to test?

cueckoo commented 3 years ago

Original reply by @rudolph9 in

I think a good first question is, what kind of things do people want to test?

It would be good to get others feedback than mine since my use-case for cue is somewhat unique but the kinds of things I've been testing are mostly just sanity checks. Does a regex do what I expect it to, is a closed struct actually a closed struct, is a number actually a number etc.

The nature of cue likely doesn't warrant exotic test suites but good to have a mechanism to do some basic checks.

cueckoo commented 3 years ago

Original reply by @rudolph9 in

@mpvl Here is my latest update to ipcf/testing (formerly ipcf/t)

It makes for a pretty clean workflow and is similar to the feel of golang testing:

package foo

Bar: =~ "^([foo]|[bar])+$"

package test

import ""

import ""

testing.T & {
    test: "foo.Bar": {
        [testing.NumDot]: subject: foo.Bar
        "0": assert: ok:     "foo"
        "1": assert: notOk:  "foobar" // will fail
        "2": assert: ok:     "bar"
        "3": assert: ok:     "barfoo"
        "4": assert: ok:     "barfoo"
        "5": assert: ok:     "barfoofoobarfoo"
        "6": assert: notOk:  ""
        "7": assert: notOk:  "bar1"
        "8": assert: notOk:  "1bar"
        "9": assert: notOk:  int
        "10": assert: notOk: null
        "11": assert: notOk: {}
foo/test [master] » cue eval --expression FAIL
BarBaz: {
    "1": {
        subject: =~"^([foo]|[bar])+$"
        assert: {
            pass:  false
            notOk: "foobar"

I didn't use the $foo style to avaoid classes since what your testing exists under what are basically reserved paths in your tests (subject: _ and assert: {ok: _, notOk: _}})

Although, I could see using $assert and $subject. Might make it a bit more clear that those are api fields.

cueckoo commented 3 years ago

Original reply by @xinau in

I like the idea of having a "simple" testing setup as @mpvl mentioned. My test use cases are similar to those of @rudolph9. But I think a more powerful approach to solve this problem is to implement a framework similar to haskells quickcheck (not sure if this falls into the fuzzer category) instead of describing valid and invalid cases. Other than that I think a more tooling around diffing would be helpful.

buzzdan commented 1 year ago

any updates on cue test ?

mpvl commented 12 months ago

We are experimenting with different best practices on how a test framework should look like.

Details. In the CUE project itself we often use tests in .txtar files that are automatically updated. This has been a big improvement in productivity. However, the auto updating has a downside. Most notably, we occasionally accidentally introduce a regression, because it is too easy to update a test and not notice that a bad chance was made. See, for instance,

We like the autoupdating and don't want to give that up. But this shows that there is merit to having some kind of invariants specified which each test that are not auto-updated. We want cue test to have a design that allows both auto updating as well as specifying such invariants.

One CL that may point in that general direction, and another experiment we are conducting, is the refactoring of the builtin tests in: This CL organizes tests so that they are easier to write. But more importantly, it generates test output where input and output are collated together. A common nuisance in the current approach to generated test output is that one needs to jump back and forth to compare test input and output. This mitigates that issue considerably. Moreover, one can see how this approach is amenable to invariant injection.