A new 3-part concept guide explaining how to refer to packages at the CLI and in import statements:
How to "find" a package's directory on disk from the FS contents, the CLI invocation context/CWD, or the CUE file's import
and vice versa: how to go from location on disk to the package identifer required by an import statement, and the potentially shorter form accepted by the CLI
worked examples of package-identifier-to-on-disk-files, and vice versa
a package prefix match to cue.mod/module.cue?
Yes: look in CWD
No: look in cue.mod/{pkg,usr,gen}
point to modules docs
The ":<package>" suffix, and the default when it's missing
"." / default
unification (or otherwise) when multiple packages are given
absolute imports only; can't use "."
shadowing, and how to fix it with import aliases
The content split into Foundation/Detail/Advanced isn't obvious.
A new 3-part concept guide explaining how to refer to packages at the CLI and in import statements:
" suffix, and the default when it's missingCLI:
" / default.:
"The content split into Foundation/Detail/Advanced isn't obvious.