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Meta effect size and standard error #18

Open ermia1313 opened 1 year ago

ermia1313 commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

I am wondering to use meta-effect size and related standard error for downstream analysis like risk prediction using Pleio. I found out your note in GitHub, to use the outputs of Pleio to do this.

risk prediction · Issue #13 · cuelee/pleio (

I found a paper which used Pleio and reported Meta-OR (Table 2,3).

Would you please let me know how to convert the outputs to combined Beta (effect size) and calculate Se?

Standardization of effect sizes · Issue #2 · cuelee/pleio (

Thank you!

cuelee commented 1 year ago

Hello Ermia1313,

PLEIO does not offer a way to get the combined BETA and its SE. You may be interested in trait-specific BETA and its SE estimated with BLUP (use --blup option for your PLEIO analysis) based on observed PLEIO statistics (outputs).

Let me know if you have any further questions.

Best Regards, Cue Hyunkyu Lee