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How to calculate population prevalence and sample prevalence? #21

Open Steven-ZWQ opened 1 year ago

Steven-ZWQ commented 1 year ago

As Table S1 in the original article, both sample prevalence and population prevalence equaled the number of cases divided by the number of controls when data were obtained from a population-based cohort (UK Biobank). The definition of "prevalence" in pleio seems to be different from the terminology in the epidemiology, which may cause ambiguity. I'm not sure whether my understanding is correct. Thanks!

cuelee commented 1 year ago

Yes, it is correct.

We estimated the disease prevalence obtained from a population-based cohort (UK Biobank) as: N case / (N case + N control)

Steven-ZWQ commented 1 year ago

Dear, Dr Lee, Thanks so much. The estimation of disease prevalence (N case / N control) in Table S1 (PMID: 33352115) may mislead readers. I’d like to know how to obtain the sample prevalence, N case / N control as shown in Table S1. It looks like a ratio measure. Thanks again. Sincerely, Wenqiang.

cuelee commented 1 year ago

Yes, you are correct. The prevalence in Table S1 uses case/control ratio. In your analysis, please use case/population instead case-control ratio.

Steven-ZWQ commented 1 year ago

Thanks so much! Is there a difference between sample prevalence and population prevalence?

cuelee commented 1 year ago

With regard to this question, please refer to

Steven-ZWQ commented 1 year ago
