cuelee / pleio

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Visualtion of the results #6

Open mJaredg opened 3 years ago

mJaredg commented 3 years ago

Hello Cue Lee. I am in the pleiotropy plot step. I have a couple of questions. First, did you create a manhattan plot (in the Paper) of the pleio results directly from the output of pleio? I noticed the chr column is missing there. Second, does the preprocessing/pleio pipeline create all the major input files needed for the creation of a pleiotropy plot? For instance the sumstats.txt.gz and 1000G_SNP_CHR_BP_A1_A2_CHR1.txt. Or I would need to do this by hand

cuelee commented 3 years ago

Hi Jared, I'm very sorry for the late reply.

The distribution version of the pleiotropyPlot software can be a bit tricky to use. Until we improve usability enough, we will be happy to help you create a pleiotropy plots from the results of your analysis. If you are interested, please let us know via email.


First, did you create a manhattan plot (in the Paper) of the pleio results directly from the output of pleio? -Unfortunately not. I created and used a reference that contains the information about the chr BP major / minor alleles, etc.

Second, does the preprocessing/pleio pipeline create all the major input files needed for the creation of a pleiotropy plot?