cuhk-haosun / course-MBI6013

Material for Msc. research project MBI6013
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Integratedly analyze data from nanopore to classify prostate cancer and normal #1

Closed MeowBing closed 2 weeks ago

MeowBing commented 3 months ago
MeowBing commented 3 months ago
  1. 可行性研究:收集公开数据,别人用nanopore做出了什么数据、应用cnv/sv/methylation分类的方法,excel表收集
  2. CNV、SV、methylation call出来的过程学习
  3. 数据分析过程:明白nanopore的long-reads数据的DEG方法,选定feature,要绘制哪些图
  4. discussion
MeowBing commented 2 months ago

image 两个大文件解压都遇到这个情况,请问可以怎么解决 @Milokita

Milokita commented 2 months ago


MeowBing commented 2 months ago


长这样 @Milokita

Milokita commented 2 months ago

如果是如此,那你可能需要搜索一下如何忽略错误强制解压出来。 同时,在新的文件夹里重新下载看看

MeowBing commented 2 months ago

下载还是重新解压啊 @Milokita

Milokita commented 2 months ago

下载还是重新解压啊 @Milokita


MeowBing commented 2 months ago

按照原作者提供的下载方法下载了,校验码和原作者提供的一致,成功解压了run2.tar.gz具体内容如下: image


MeowBing commented 2 months ago

image run1的不知道为什么还是和官方的不一样,还要重下一次。。。。 @Milokita

Milokita commented 2 months ago

你链接发我 我HK给你下

MeowBing commented 2 months ago

wget -nc这是官方的,然后这是校验码:<FILE checksum="766ae3c28f3007507d82aa73512bec7d" checksum_method="MD5" @Milokita

MeowBing commented 4 weeks ago

目前进度:暂定自动运行脚本里面的命令可以正常运行 遇到问题:兴哥,我用sandbox运行容器后,好像只能使用宿主机上的文件(也就是NGS上的),不能用容器里面自带的?这是为什么?但是我想把reference.fa放在容器内部,方便自动化运行,所以是要在Dockerfile的时候加什么配置吗 @Milokita

Milokita commented 4 weeks ago

in general, it is not recommended to put large file such as ref in the docker

MeowBing commented 4 weeks ago

OK .Can I add code to yml to manually set the path to the reference file? @Milokita

Milokita commented 4 weeks ago

OK .Can I add code to yml to manually set the path to the reference file? @Milokita

To be specific, you should download the ref in NGS cluster and passed it into the container when running the container

MeowBing commented 4 weeks ago

After setting up my path, I encountered this situation. image Is there anything else I need to set before "run on"? Please check out my public library minimap2,Thank you @Milokita

Milokita commented 3 weeks ago

You should create the rest repo inside cuhkhaosun group to use our worker.

MeowBing commented 3 weeks ago

image image image

I modified the code according to yesterday's suggestion, but it seems that I still stay in this interface, I don't know why? Please take a look at it,thank you! @Milokita @xxx58

Milokita commented 3 weeks ago

The problem should be fixed now, pls open new issue if you have question, this issue is mainly for progress report

MeowBing commented 2 weeks ago

[Uploading 20240611-weekly report.pptx…]()

Milokita commented 2 weeks ago

do not upload the file here, use pr