cuhk-seclab / SelectFuzz

Apache License 2.0
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About Beacon† #17

Open py199941 opened 1 month ago

py199941 commented 1 month ago

Hi In the experimental section of your paper, to compare the effectiveness of SELECTFUZZ and Beacon, you implemented a simple prototype of Beacon (named Beacon†) for early termination of unreachable paths and further integrated it with SELECTFUZZ. Unlike Beacon, Beacon† only prunes branches that are never reachable. You refer to the integration of SELECTFUZZ and Beacon† as SELECTFUZZ . I'm wondering if I can find this Beacon† and SELECTFUZZ in the Docker environment you provided? I've been trying to reproduce the work related to selectfuzz recently, and your help would be greatly appreciated.

chluo1997 commented 1 month ago

I did not include Beacon† in my Docker since this is not relevant to SelectFuzz. Beacon is open-sourced now. If you are interested, you can merge the two tools.