cuigh / swirl

A web UI for Docker, focused on swarm cluster.
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go.sum checksum error #26

Closed prologic closed 5 years ago

prologic commented 5 years ago

Hi! I'm trying to build this locally to hack on / contribute to but I think there's a checksum error with the docker client dependency:

Sat Apr 13 14:06:42
 (master) 0
$ go build
go: downloading v0.0.0-20180415161252-ea579a619452
go: verifying checksum mismatch
    downloaded: h1:KXTxrc9Q8FwG8x/lbSBYzBMKn3xWpwx9MBfP1Ko7FYg=
    go.sum:     h1:3DHHYhTKAP1ZgL0g+msknSuFuZBA0UW6BqcAA5qsWWc=

Can you look in to this? Perhaps consider upgrading this dependency (not trivial as the library has changed some API)

cuigh commented 5 years ago

What version of Go do you use? Go 1.11.4 introduced a breaking change that broke checksum calculations.

cuigh commented 5 years ago

I've updated docker module, It should be OK now.