cujojs / curl

curl.js is small, fast, extensible module loader that handles AMD, CommonJS Modules/1.1, CSS, HTML/text, and legacy scripts.
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change to curl() API: `curl(string)` should be sync #144

Open unscriptable opened 11 years ago

unscriptable commented 11 years ago

I'm proposing that we change the curl() API behavior a bit. When debugging, it's nice to be able to check the value of a module (or plugin-base resource) without having to create a callback function. There's no way to do this today; you always need a callback function.

At the moment, the following two function signatures evoke the same behavior. curl() detects a string in the first param and converts it to an array.

curl('my/module', function (mod) { console.log(module); });
curl(['my/module'], function (mod) { console.log(module); });

As long as the dev doesn't provide a callback function, we can assume that the dev meant to use curl() as an r-value (sync).

In code, this means the following will work:

var mod = curl('my/mod');

This will also work in the console:

curl('my/mod'); // shows the module in the console

When using this signature, if the module isn't already loaded, curl() will throw.

Hey @asilvas, I know you've shown some code snippets showing a single string param that assumed async behavior. How do you feel about changing this? -- John

asilvas commented 11 years ago

I really like the idea of returning the single module -- I seem to remember requesting something similar a ways back. However, I would avoid throwing an exception, as that'd be a breaking change. In (rare) cases, modules are loaded without concern of when they're available (examples: preloading modules, styles, or bundles) -- in your example, this would now throw an error, which is bad. I'd recommend simply returning undefined.

You could even take it a step further, and account for arrays as well.

var mod = curl('my/module');
var mods = curl(['loadedModule', 'notYetLoadedModule']);
mods == [ module, undefined ]
mod = curl(['singleModuleInArray']); // single item array is not returned in array
unscriptable commented 11 years ago

Are you currently using curl('my/module') instead of curl(['my/module']) in your project(s)?

dizzib commented 11 years ago

This is a very good idea. Currently my unit and integration test code has unnecessary async complexity :(

briancavalier commented 11 years ago

Seems useful to me to return the module, or array of modules. I'm not sure about returning undefined vs. throwing, tho. Returning undefined would mean that it's harder to distinguish between a module that couldn't be loaded, and a module that was loaded, but returned undefined (either intentionally, which is probably rare, or unintentionally, meaning probably a bug). That may not be a problem in practice tho.

I do think tho that if an array is passed to curl(), it should always return an array, even in the case where the array contains a single item. It seems like this consistency is intuitive: if you pass in an array, you always receive an array, if you pass in a string, you always receive a single module.

asilvas commented 11 years ago

@unscriptable Missed your last question. We use both string for single module and array of string's where applicable. I'd say single string is typical in over 50% of our use cases.

asilvas commented 11 years ago

Being able to do things like this would be a handy side-effect:

 if (curl("module")) { // our resource is ready

Another use-case, which currently would not work using the above calling convention, would be to detect for the existence of the object without triggering it's loading. Such as:

if (curl("exists!module")) { // available, but will not auto-load if not available

I don't have any specific need for this feature, just thought I'd mention it as it'd be a nice addition.

unscriptable commented 11 years ago

curl("exists!module") would be very easy to create, actually.

asilvas commented 11 years ago

Could you get it to work with other plugins as well?


or would it be?
