cujomalainey / antplus-arduino

An Implementation of the ANT+ Network on top of ant-arduino
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Help with NativeAnt on nRF52840 #34

Closed silviocross closed 1 year ago

silviocross commented 1 year ago

Hi all, following the known blog entries I was finally able to flash the arduino core on a nRF52840 MDK USB Dongle ( using the S340 SoftDevice. After setting the required Network keys and so on I am trying to let the first examples work. Unfortunately something is not working and I am having issues debugging the system.

I tried the DeviceSearch example and substituted the "ArduinoSerialAntWithCallbacks" with "ArduinoNativeAntWithCallbacks", but I am unfortunately not able to find my HR Monitor. Also trying the Sensor examples, the device remains not visible. How can I ensure that the Bootloader and Softdevice are correctly working?

thank you for the great project Silvio

cujomalainey commented 1 year ago

Hi @silviocross

Sounds like you are using the wrong ANT Driver. The serial driver is meant for an nRF52 (running the network processor firmware) connected to an external microcontroller and the driver runs on external controller. E.g. in this below example the code would run on ESP32

+------------+                           +--------------+
|            |      TX                   |              |
|            +--------------------------->              |
|  ESP32     |      RX                   |    NRF52     |
|            <---------------------------+              |
|            |                           |              |
|            |                           |              |
+------------+                           +--------------+

What you are looking for is the native driver. It will connect directly to the soft device APIs. It is hidden behind a compiler flag so it doesn't break non nRF52 builds. You need to specify your softdevice, via -DSXXX where XXX is your softdevice. In your case it would be -DS340

If you want to test without the driver I recommend calling some of the basic functions in the softdevice API, e.g. sd_ant_enable and sd_softdevice_enable. When and how you call this depends on a number of factors such as what/if you are using a bootloader, what exact chip you have, if you intended to enable BT etc.

Let me know if you have anymore questions.

silviocross commented 1 year ago

Hi @cujomalainey

thank you for the very quick reply. I am actually tring to use the native driver (for doing so, I modified the examples from your library in oder to call the native functions, unfortunately with no luck). I am using the -DS340 build flag already in order to properly compile and flash the board, I get no compiling error and the basic code works (Serial monitor messages) but no ANT device is being found. How can I test if the Native Driver is being called properly, and that the driver is actually properly working? Do you have any basic example I can use for testing the native ANT communication?

Thank you

cujomalainey commented 1 year ago

Ah apologies, i misread your message.

My recommendation is drop down to calling the API directly. A good function to check is sd_softdevice_is_enabled. One other thing to note is if you are not using BLE, you must start the ANT API yourself with a call to sd_softdevice_enable.

The best way to test is to use a basic tx or rx example alongside a debug software such as ANTwareII and a usb stick.

silviocross commented 1 year ago

perfect, I solved sending Bluefruit.begin(); I included the following check and it confirms the Softdevide is correctly enabled now: if ((sd_softdevice_is_enabled(&sd_enabled) == NRF_SUCCESS) ) { Serial.println("NRF_SUCCESS"); if(sd_enabled == 1) Serial.println("SD_Enabled = true"); else Serial.println("SD_Enabled = false"); }

I am still not able to see proper sentor data sent to my garmin device, but finally the sensor become visible and I can connect! thank you very much for your help

silviocross commented 1 year ago

just a short update>

I am finally able to run the HR Monitor example with Native driver. Unfortunately, the BycliclePowerSensor example does not look as good: the sensor is detected, but no data is being transmitted or understood from the ANT+ receiver. Can anybody confirm the functionality of this example?


cujomalainey commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, the BycliclePowerSensor example does not look as good: the sensor is detected, but no data is being transmitted or understood from the ANT+ receiver. Can anybody confirm the functionality of this example?

This does not surprise me as I have rarely used this profile and it was mostly externally contributed. I will try and take a look in the next 24h, otherwise it will have to wait till thursday at the earliest.

cujomalainey commented 1 year ago

Ok sorry for the delay, my week was crazier than expected, I expect to have everything tested in the next 5h. Which exact configs were you using for bike power?

cujomalainey commented 1 year ago

Didnt get very far, between my nrf52 acking like its borked (think i might need to update the bootloader) or platformio being tempermental with headers. I wasn't able to flash. If you can provide the exact config you are using the profile and the errors you are seeing that would be very helpful.

silviocross commented 1 year ago

Please excuse my late reply, here below you can find my modified program. I am able to compile and flash the sketch, and the device is becoming visible to my ANT+ receiver. Unfortunately, Power and Cadence remain at 0 and do not increase as expected within the example


cujomalainey commented 1 year ago
void loop() {
// call this frequently

You only need to set the handler once, ideally before the profile starts

Ok if the issue is isolated to the to this message then I can debug with my serial setup or a unit test. I will test it out and see if I can reproduce the issue. Are you at the 1.2.0 release?

cujomalainey commented 1 year ago

Ah I think I know the issues here. Was able to reproduce the errors with my serial setup. So I think there are three problems.

  1. In the datapages I only restrict the bits, I do not restrict ranges. So once the counter hits > 100 you start to see the parser errors because you are only supposed to have a power range 0x00-0x64,0x7F (field is 7bits wide) so 0x65-0x7E is invalid which was being transmitted. Adding % 101 to setPedalPower fixes the issue. I'll push a commit for this.
  2. I think you might be getting confused in the simulant display about where the values are, are you looking in "Calculated Data"? If so that is not where the values are, scroll down to "Data Pages" and expand the "Standard - Power Only" tab to see the changing values.
  3. Also I fail to set the instantaneous cadence in that message, so it will use its default which is defined as the invalid value. I will also add this to my commit.

Let me know if that fixes your issues.

cujomalainey commented 1 year ago

Please see

cujomalainey commented 1 year ago

I am going to assume this is fixed, please let me know if you have any other questions.