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Codebase #299

Open samhstn opened 7 years ago

samhstn commented 7 years ago

I have really enjoyed the discussions I’ve had with @sohil about design changes in the codebase and it has really caused me to question some of my principles and spend some time looking into design patterns.

I have found this repo to contain some good guidelines for javascript design patterns.

The following is a summary of the points I would like to raise about the codebase for further discussion:

Refactoring that has already been implemented in pr #298 (Mostly noted in #290 and #297):

Higher level changes that I think would be good to implement in the project:

Further refactoring that I think would be good to implement on this sprint:

Refactoring that I think should be implemented some time in the future:

samhstn commented 7 years ago

Reopened by popular demand

iteles commented 7 years ago

@shouston3 Can I suggest that you pull out the 'quick wins' and the more critical ones into their own issues (and link them above) so we can discuss them one at a time? :blush:

Danwhy commented 7 years ago

I strongly agree with everything you've raised here, and if you get the opportunity, they'd all be good issues to solve. I've added a few of my thoughts below on the codebase/project in general that I came up with while looking through it the other week.

Error Handling

We're now using Joi which makes things a lot simpler in terms of error handling, but there's still a few other things we could do.


One thing I noticed only because @nelsonic pointed it out on our project is that when someone fails a login attempt, you're returning a different response based on whether the user doesn't exist in the database, or has entered an incorrect password.

This is bad because it enables people to discover whether a certain email address has been used to sign up to your site. To combat this, we should be sending the same response for 'this user doesn't exist' as we do for 'this password is incorrect'. Something generic like, 'sorry, we don't recognise that username or password'.


Not really related to the codebase, but I thought it might be useful to give some advice on git workflow.

We had some problems early on with huge, hard to read pull requests. We've managed to combat this somewhat, but there are a few things we could do to avoid this in the future.

If you've never used the git rebase command, it might be worth looking into. It has some advantages (some disadvantages too) over git merge.

It allows you to merge two branches together without having to create a 'merge commit'. I prefer this because it means that you can rebase regularly without your commit history becoming overrun with 'merged master into branch' commits. Of course, because it does this without a commit, it means that your pre-commit hooks won't run, so it's a good idea to run your tests/linter before pushing, especially if there were any merge conflicts.

Rebase also rewrites the history of your unmerged commits, so if you've already pushed up to github, you'll have to force push (-f) to overwrite what you've already pushed. If you think there's a chance that someone else on the team has already pulled from your branch and is using that to work from, never do this, as it will create a lot of annoying problems with commit histories being mismatched. In that case, just do a normal merge.

In this case, just continue working from the same branch, and once the original PR is merged into master, merge/rebase and the old commits will not show up on the next PR. The only complication here is if the original PR has a lot of change requests during the review, but in that case you'll just have to do a careful merge/rebase, resolving any merge conflicts that arise, it's still preferable to a huge PR.

These are all just suggestions, and are by no means necessary to implement now, or in the future, just some advice that could hopefully make life a little easier for you 😄 Let me know if you have any questions about this or anything else