cul-2016 / quiz

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Lecturer Download Data #481

Open jackcarlisle opened 7 years ago

jackcarlisle commented 7 years ago

As a lecturer, I want to be able to download data of my students, So that I can analyse and review it

The data that I'll look to download is:


student_username student_email quiz_id quiz_score quiz_percentage total_score_of_all_quizzes
student_1 1 10 100 40
student_1 2 10 100 40
student_1 3 10 100 40
student_2 1 9 92 32
student_2 2 9 83 32
student_3 1 8 60 29


quiz_id question_id question a b c d correct_answer
1 1 what is a? a b c d a
1 2 what is b? a b c d b
1 3 what is c? a b c d c
2 1 what is a? a b c d a
2 2 what is b? a b c d b
3 1 what is a? a b c d a

@stianr can you please let us know how these data sets look and if you'd like us to include/exclude anything.

stianr commented 7 years ago

Could we have a single line per student, similar to the overview in the current Students page I think for a casual user, one line per quiz makes it harder to gauge a student's overall performance, which is what they'd be using it for:


student_username student_email quiz_1 quiz_2 quiz_3 quiz_4 quiz_5 total_score_of_all_quizzes
student_1 10 10 10 8 9 47
student_2 5 2 - - 7 14

For the second one, it would be ideal to have columns for both the option wordings and the number of students choosing each option.


quiz_id question_id question a b c d choices_a choices_b choices_c choices_d correct_answer
1 1 what is a cat? a giraffe a badger a cat a whale 12 33 53 9 c
1 2 what is b? a b c d 77 20 0 19 b
stianr commented 7 years ago

NB: Number of options for a particular question may vary - currently between 2 and 4, planned to expand to up to 7 options. It would be fine just to have 7 columns, many of which are blank for <7 option questions.

stianr commented 7 years ago

Not a requirement, but if it's very easy, then for 1. it would be great to have a column "number of quizzes attempted", and for 2. it would be great to have a column "percentage correct", which is 100*(number of choices of correct option / total number of responses), for lecturers to identify which questions students do well on and which they don't.

Low priority - could park for later on.

sohilpandya commented 7 years ago

We've attached a time estimation to this issue, @stianr could you please provide a priority for this issue.

The main reason for the longer estimation is that query 1 requires us to create a dynamic column for each row of quizzes that have been completed and will require us doing a spike on the best way to tackle the issue.

stianr commented 7 years ago

Okay, thanks. Given the time it would take, I think this should be low priority.

iteles commented 7 years ago

I will also therefore remove it from Sprint 7 as agreed in our sprint planning today.