cul-2016 / quiz

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Basic Group Admin Reporting: Usage #644

Closed stianr closed 6 years ago

stianr commented 6 years ago

As a group admin I want to see how much use Quodl is getting from my lecturers.

In the group admin page, at the moment we have a table that has columns for the email address of the lecturer and a toggle for their activity status. Could we add four more columns, pulling the relevant data from the relevant database:

  1. Number of Modules (total number of modules associated with each lecturer account) [Better: list of module codes associated with that account, but not if it takes longer]
  2. Number of Students (total number of students enrolled across all modules for that lecturer - can either be the total number of unique students who are enrolled on at least one of the modules, or the sum of the number of students enrolled on each module - which would count students enrolled on multiple modules more than once)
  3. Number of quizzes (total number of quizzes either set up or run - preferably run if it's just as easy)
  4. Number of responses (total number of quiz answers submitted across all quizzes associated with that lecturer - so if the lecturer ran two quizzes with 5 questions each and 100 students, that would be 1,000 responses)

If time is an issue, probably 2 and 3 are the priorities.

stianr commented 6 years ago

Just testing now. On Chrome there are scrollbars that it would be good to remove:


stianr commented 6 years ago

This is looking good, and I can see how useful it may be to programme directors.

stianr commented 6 years ago

Number of responses seems to be double counting - currently showing 24 where there have been 12.

stianr commented 6 years ago

Also, download of student responses also includes the lecturer (first row):


Danwhy commented 6 years ago

@stianr These issues should have been addressed now, would you mind testing again?

stianr commented 6 years ago

@Danwhy None of these seem to be fixed on the staging version - does it need to be updated?

Danwhy commented 6 years ago

@stianr It looks like the automatic deploy failed, I've manually pushed it and it should have updated now

stianr commented 6 years ago

This all seems to be fixed now - numbers seem right, and I don't see scrollbars any more. Thanks!