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Updating existing users to trial users. #656

Closed jessicasalmon closed 6 years ago

jessicasalmon commented 6 years ago

Hi @iteles,

Once we've merged all the new work to master and it has been deployed, we will need to run the following script on the live database in order to turn existing users to trial users.

copy the evaluated number from the line below + (90 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) Paste it in the script down below update users set trial_expiry_time = TIMEFROMABOVE where is_lecturer=true and group_code is null and trial_expiry_time is null and is_group_admin = false RETURNING *;

Run this script on the live postgresDB. I'm happy to do this once we have all the work on prod.

sohilpandya commented 6 years ago

Hi @iteles,

This has been updated on prod.