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Path for opening lecturer (trial) account #662

Open stianr opened 6 years ago

stianr commented 6 years ago

As product owner, I want to keep the areas for students and lecturer separate. Students will want to regsiter and log in and complete quizzes. Lecturers will want to find out about Quodl, sign up for a trial account, and run quizzes.

At the moment, the student registration page has a direct link to sign up as a lecturer. It is therefore relatively easy for students - either inadvertently or deliberately - to sign up for a lecturer account. This risks creating confusion among students, not least because they can't have both student and lecturer accounts with the same email address.

Conversely, lecturers who visit the Quodl site aren't directed to the sign-up page, even though it is working - they currently have to fill in a form to get in touch. To fix these issues I think we should

  1. Remove the link from the student register page "Or sign up as a lecturer"
  2. For clarity, change title of student register page from "Register" to "Student sign-up"
  3. For clarity, change title of student register page from "Register" to "Lecturer sign-up"
  4. On change "If you are interested, please contact us, we want to hear from you!" to "If you are interested, click below to set up a free trial account.", change button text from "Contact Us" to "Start Trial", and have it point to #/register-lecturer in the app
  5. For completeness remove the link from the student register page "Or sign up as a student"