cul-2016 / quiz

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Show personal performance page in moodle #679

Open stianr opened 6 years ago

stianr commented 6 years ago

We talked about wanting to show students' individual performance without having to leave moodle. Because of privacy concerns, we decided just to allow the leaderboard to be displayed, which we'd class as public information. As far as I can see, this involves embedding a public page in moodle, and doesn't use LTI as far as I'm aware? I think we can do more, and show an individual user's badges and scores embedded in moodle, using LTI so we don't have any security concerns (as we'd be using exactly the same protocols as logging in to Quodl from moodle using LTI).

The idea would be to do exactly the same as the current login-from-moodle, with the same authentication, but rather than taking them to the Quodl site once they're logged in, to let them interact and take part in quizzes, it just serves a single, non-interactive page with an overview of performance, which could be embedded in moodle.

We'd probably need to create a second LTI-accepting URL like the current /lti on Quodl. This would login to Quodl in exactly the same way as the current LTI setup, but would take the user to a new, custom page in Quodl that in a fairly simple way showed the medals and overall score.

The whole thing would then be set up to be embedded in the moodle page, so when the user clicked on a 'See my performance on the Quizzes' link, it creates an LTI connection to the student's account in Quodl and served up a single page with that student's performance on that module, embedded in moodle.

May be worth talking about feasibility here - it would be really nice to be able to say we could let students see their own scores on the quizzes from inside moodle, and longer term, we could customise the page they're presented with so that it has richer information and feedback. Of course, I may have missed some important barrier to being able to do this - so maybe we can discuss tomorrow, as we priorise the further work.

iteles commented 6 years ago

@stianr I think we'd probably want to review this with Stephen too!

stianr commented 6 years ago

@iteles - Yes, agreed. Given we have some time left with Stephen, hopefully we can do this shortly in the next piece of work.