cul-2016 / quiz

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Email addresses should be treated as case insensitive #703

Open stianr opened 5 years ago

stianr commented 5 years ago

When students go to log in, the domain part of the email address is treated as case sensitive (whereas the local mailbox part is not). So is treated as the same as, but if I try to log in with, I'm told the user doesn't exist.

Although there's an argument for keeping case sensitivity for the local mailbox (as they can be case sensitive, depending on how they're set up, though I haven't come across case sensitivity in university emails), the domain part of the email address is not case sensitive and should not be treated as such.

Please can we (a) retain case information from the email address the student uses to set up their account (in case their mailbox is case sensitive), and use that when sending password reset emails, etc., but also (b) when checking credentials for login or setting up an account, treat the email address as non-case-sensitive.

The upshot would be if someone registered with, all emails would go to, but the student would be able to log in with, and if someone later tried to set up an account with they'd be told that the user already exists.