cul-2016 / quiz

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Multiple 5XX Failures #705

Open stianr opened 5 years ago

stianr commented 5 years ago

I've just seen a number of 5XX failures logged on Heroku during a run of Quodl. We should explore these urgently to isolate and fix the problem, so that it doesn't happen again:


Awaiting feedback from the user - will update on what was seen.

stianr commented 5 years ago

From the lecturer describing the problem:

"I wasn’t sure where the problem was. We had some internet outages on Campus, that was disrupting lecture capture, etc, so I had put it down to that.

[as it happens our errors cropped up while I was introducing it to the students to first time & running the first ever quiz – suddenly didn’t record anyone’s reponses and in ‘review’ it seemed to throw me out of login, and then produce some weird and wonderful errors (“Quiz ID 180 shrdglge…”) in place of answer A to the questions. Then came back and I was able to review the questions…. But the still only 1 person seemed to have had an answer stored."

"Another possibility – does it mind a lecturer being logged on in ‘two places at once’. I realised I was logged on my phone as well – could have done some weird asynch refresh."